Chapter Four

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It's been a few days since Regina and Robin have even seen each other. After the heated kiss they shared Regina went to her home and had a messy breakup with Graham. She decided that she shouldn't have to live a life like that anymore. It was hard for her to do but she wanted happiness and she was more than happy when Robin kissed her. She was just a little worried when Robin hasn't reached out to her or has even talked to her.

At the moment Regina was grading papers as she sat at her desk. It was after school and her classroom was empty and quiet, just the way Regina liked it. She assigned her students to write whatever they wanted and the only requirement was that it had to be funny. Regina couldn't help the laugh that escaped from her lips as she bit her red lips.

"You are just so sexy." Robin said which made Regina look up to find him leaning against her classroom door.

Regina rolled her eyes as she looked at him. "What do you want thief?" She asked playfully as she looked at him.

"I just wanted to stop by and check up on you. Maybe even ask you out on a little date." Robin said as he walked closer to her desk.

"I guess I have no other choice than to accept your proposal and go out with you. Now that I'm single I-"

"You're singe now?" Robin asked with a smirk as he leaned against her desk.

Regina chuckled as she blushed and looked down at the papers in front of her. "Yes, I'm single. I just think that someone else had something more to offer me." She said with a smirk as she looked up at Robin.

"So, who's the handsome devil that has you blushing? Come on, you can tell me." Robin said with a smile as he stood closer to her.

"Well, Mr.Locksley, I'm pretty sure you know who." Regina said grabbing his green tie and pulling him down in front of her face. "Kiss me." She whispered to him.

Robin leaned down and smashed his lips against hers. Regina moaned softly as she kissed him back. Their tongues brushed against each others and they couldn't help but smile and moan as they kissed each other. Robin pulled away from her and he pecked a quick kiss to her lips.

"So, how about that date? I would love to take you out right now." Robin said as he brushed a piece of her hair behind her ear.

"You can take me out and we can get coffee or something." Regina suggested as she got up and grabbed her bag. "I just have to go home and change."

"I would love to take you there." Robin said with a charming smile.

"Okay, that'll work. I'm staying at my father's until I can get a new apartment." Regina said and Robin nodded as he took her hand in his.

"I remember your father's place. Let's go, gorgeous." Robin said leading her out of the school and into the parking lot. "Do you need to take your car?" He asked looking at her car in the parking lot.

"No, it can stay here. Maybe you can just drive me to work tomorrow." Regina asked and Robin chuckled as he opened the car door for her.

"I would love to take you to work tomorrow." Robin told her with a soft smile.

He helped Regina into the car and he closed the door before getting into the driver's side. He started driving the car after they buckled their seat belts. During the drive Regina's fingers fingers were laced in between Robin's. When they got to her father's house Robin parked the car and kissed her cheek.

"Should I sit in the car or should I walk you the door like a gentleman and face the wrath of your father?" Robin asked with a nervous smile.

"Just to be safe you should just stay here. I'll be back." Regina said placing a kiss on Robin's cheek.

Robin smiled as Regina got out the car and walked into her house. After a few minutes Robin looked up and saw Regina walking back towards the car. He smiled when he saw her dressed in a casual blue tank top and a pair of skinny jeans that looked lovely on her.

"I'm back." Regina said opening the car door and sitting down in the chair.

"You look so beautiful yet so casual." Robin said reaching out to hold her hand.

Regina took his hand in hers and laced their fingers together. She buckled her seat belt and smiled as Robin drove. He parked outside of a local coffee shop. He turned off the car engine and was quick to open Regina's door for her.

"You're such a gentleman. You are just so charming." Regina said as he helped her out of the car.

"I know I am. Let's just get you caffeinated." Robin said kissing her cheek and leading her into the coffee shop.

They went inside and Robin and Regina got in line so they could order their coffee. Once they got their coffee they sat down at the corner of the coffee shop on a comfy couch. Regina sighed softly as she took a small sip of her coffee.

"Regina, I have something I would like to talk about." Robin said which made hum in response as she looked up at him.

"What is it?" She asked him as she set her coffee down on the table.

Robin took her hand in his and squeezed her hand softly. "I want you to be my girlfriend. I know I have strong feelings for you so I just want you to give me a chance. Can you give me a chance?" He asked her which made Regina chuckle.

"Yes, I would love to give you a chance. I have feelings for you too. Whenever you kiss me I just can't help but smile as my heart melts because of you." Regina said and Robin laughed as he wrapped an arm around her and kissed her lips. "My heart just melted again." She added with a small smile.

"After coffee what do you want to do? We can do whatever your little heart desires." Robin told her and Regina couldn't help but giggle.

"I want to go look at jewels that I plan on stealing." She said as she bit her lip with a smile.

"We can do that and then when you do steal them I can stop you." Robin told her as he took a sip of his tea.

"You can't stop me. I'm too fast for you." Regina said as she scooted closer to him. "What's it like to date a woman who's a criminal?" She asked him as she kissed his lips quickly, tugging on his lips in between her teeth.

"It's sexy, very sexy." Robin said kissing her back. "I'll just have to be the one to stop you. I'll be in charge." He said which made Regina laugh cutely.

"No one's in charge of me but I guess since you're so handsome, you can be in control." Regina said as she smiled at him. "But if you do wrong me in any way I won't hesitate to beat the crap out of you."

Robin chuckled as he kissed her again. "That's exactly what I love about you."

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