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(This story stretches out for an entire school year)

So this person is now in the process of making his dumb bitch of a girlfriend pregnant.

First week of school there was this freshman boy from the school connected to mine who started riding my bus. Name's Carl. He was moderately handsome (by this point I'm sure you've realized that I am a fucking you know where this is going?)

He was overly friendly and cool for the most part. My friend Terry used to say explicit things like "You should fuck my friend" alluding to me, and I was acting all extra asf like "Omg stop ✋, noooo😱"

One day he gave me a hug and this bitch Aretha started staring. And the next day she was telling everyone and I fucking quote "yeah Carl gay, he was hugging this gay boy on my bus" he got mad and depressed with his life. Although somehow Aretha and Carl remained friends.

He started getting on my nerves tbh like he was forever annoying asf but Terry kept sitting with him and making him buy her snacks and basically do whatever she wanted.

I was okay with that like "girl you betta get them pringles👏👏" and I wasn't vibing off them.

However one day Terry was not on the bus due to afterschool activities and this bitch Aretha was talking shit. So I spoke no words I sat in my seat and listened, listened careful to the sounds of their voice. I heard every word, every breath, every thought, every fucking thing.

Though what really stuck with me was Aretha saying "If you date Terry you're going to fuck up your reputation because she a hoe".

I calmly went home, did homework, ate eatched television, shower, went to sleep, woke up, put on my clothes, brushed ever tooth, attempted to tame my hair, gather my things in my bookbag, and got on that bus and snitched my life away.

Terry's stop was the very last. And I waited every second of that. She entered the bus doors and was going to sit with Carl and I told her to do otherwise because I had something to tell her.

I proceeded to tell her all shit that was talked and ended it by saying Aretha was talking shit mostly it wasn't really all that much of Carl.

Terry went off on Aretha, and like a fake ass bitch Aretha lied and said she never spoke the words that I said she did.

And Terry told Carl she wasn't mad at him. To my surprise that went over his head completely.

For the next couple weeks it was quiet. Carl sat with Aretha all the time and Terry sat with me due to Carl sitting with Aretha.

A random day Aretha told me that her and Carl were talking about me. She of course never said what she said but told me how Carl wanted to fight me because I got Terry to stop talking to him and that I "was jealous cuz [he] took Terry away from me now I'm mad and making up stuff to get her back"

Then I confronted Carl right then and he swore up and down that he didn't say that and that Aretha was talking about me and was lying so I just blatantly told both of them "how about both you bitches keep my name out of yall mouths" and they started arguing.

One day Terry called Carl over and asked why he was being fake he said he thought she wasn't talking to him which she said "I told you I wasn't mad at you cuz you didn't really say anything".

He swears to this day that I got jealous that he took my friend" like nigga I'm gay asf I'm not worried about you.

And I just want to say Carl is a fucking dumb ass like boy do you hear? Do you read? Do you listen? Do you comprehend? I think fucking not!

But anywho they started talking then stopped talking because he kept trying to flirt with her and would text her everyday and she wasn't feeling it.

Then he started texting me. But his intention was to text me to get all the info on Terry. Like her location and what color underwear she was know weird stuff.

And I was not having it. So eventually he stopped talking about her all the time. Everything was cool.

We kept talking and he used to text me all the time and get mad when I wouldn't text back and then he would double text me.

So one day we were play 21 questions 😂. MY FAVORITE FUCKING GAME!

And it got a lil raunchy and I ended up asking "is it big", cuz you know fucks are not what I give any of.

And he was like yeah. My response was "Oh cool, big things are cool." Which he responded "so you can't handle it"

In my mind I was liie GAME ON BITCH! but in real life I was just like " I truly can😇"

Then we kept going back and forth about it then I said something about bananas...its a long story😇😇.

Another time I was joking around with him and was like I will pay young or the dick. He said no and I was like "K😂" then we moved on then this nigga went back and said "were you frl about paying me".

I was like "sure😫" and he sent me a dick pic. Then I lowkey highkey lowkey got weak asf. Like boy it's not that deep.

And I figured if I said that's not really him then he wouldn't say it was him because it's incriminating. And I wouldn't have to pay him shit.

So I said it wasn't his it's not the correct skin color (which it literally was him) and as expected he dropped it. Then added that his dick was bigger.

So after reading that you're probably assuming this boy is either broke asf or gay asf or both. Either way him and I had a few fallings out cuz his was saying homophobic stuff, but then would always text me trying to get back cool with me.

I used to talk to this girl on my bus Natalie. Natalie was complaining about how he liea all the time and tells everyone that he is dating her and all this stuff. And I told her how once he told me he was at her house taking a shower after they fucked.

And she told me to tell him to leave her alone and all this stuff and I did and he tried to act like it was my fault. Like no nigga it was your lies, deceit, and you actively stalking her which made her feel this way.

What fucks me up is that Natalie kept talking to this nigga like bitch you told me to tell him to leave you alone but then you keep fwh. Makes no sense.

And he would tell me how is dating her and I overly didn't give af. At this point he started talking to Darion and rold me "Darion is way better than you" I was just like "Okay fag" and he just laughs.

He got mad at me cuz he's dumb asf and I know it and I called him Radio cuz of the movie. He got so upset it was fucking amazing. Then I sent him a picture from the movie Radio and he got even more mad.

Then he start calling me fags and all that and I was like "you gay to Radio" and he got even more angry. And said when he sees me hes going to beat my ass. Which I politely responded "Try me bitch. You know where I stay hoe"

And for some odd reason he no longer wanted to fight. Then out of no where he texted me and tried to be friends again.
Hmm.... 😏

He now goes with that bitch Harley and told me that Natalie was now jealous of his and Harley's relationship and told him that she knows he's trying to get Harley pregnant.

He proceeded to say "Yea I bust in her a couple times " and that he was trying to get her pregnant. And their babyvs name was going to be Charlie.

Now this boy went from being crazy to gay to a stalker to a homophobe to a soon to be father.

All I honestly have to say is.... Good Luck Charlie🙏

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