Enchanted - Chapter 2

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"Do you have to leave?" I asked my dad as we sat at the table eating breakfast. "I'm sorry Harper but it's my job" I sighed in defeat. I hated it when my dad had to go on business trips.

I would always feel alone, and more now since I don't really have any friends.

Embry and Quil have't talked to me in two days. I've recently been hanging more with Nate and his friends, they aren't actually that bad. Most of them are nice.

Taylor Chapman hasn't really enjoyed my company much. She always butts in when I'm talking to Nate. Kind of annoying.

Jake's been ignoring me as well, I've seen him around with Bella a couple of times.

It hurts a lot to see her smiling and all happy with MY best friend. I guess I shouldn't call him mine anymore since he hates me.

"Fine" I muttered and stood up. "Harper pumpkin don't get mad, this is what supports us" I rolled my eyes. "I know" I whispered. "I'm going to go get dressed" I muttered and walked out of the kitchen before he could say anything back.

I put on my faded blue jeans and a white tank top. I fixed my brown curls and put on some eyeliner. I grabbed a grey sweatshirt and put it on.

A silent knock on the door broke my silence. I opened it. My dad stood carrying a small box in his hands. I raised my eyebrow. "I know your mad at me, now let me in," I sighed and moved aside to let him in.

He sat on my bed and patted the space next to him. I rolled my eyes and sat down. "Harper, honey, I know I'm not the best dad, but I do what I can to support us"

"I know dad" I mumbled.

"Do you know why we called you Harper?" He asked. "No" I answered a bit confused, why would he bring up the meaning of my name?.

"Because your mom used to play the harp, and boy was she good at it" I nodded my head, the subject of my mom was awkward for the both of us.

"Before she died I promised her I would always love you and always be there for you, " I sucked in a breath of air at the mention of my mother's death. "I also promised myself I would do my best to support the both of us" I nodded my head avoiding eye contact.

"I have something I've wanted to give you for a while now" I looked up at him. "What is it" I asked curious. "Here" he held out the box, I took it. "It belonged to your mother" He whispered as I opened it.

Inside rested a beautiful golden ring, a small pink rose layed on top with two green leafs next to it. A small diamond lay in the middle of the rose.

I gasped at it's beauty. "Daddy" I whispered. "It's beautiful isn't it, your mom's mother gave it her" I looked up at him. "Because her name was Rose?" I asked. "I guess" He smiled and kissed my forehead.

"Your mother would want you to have it" He whispered. I smiled at him through teary eyes. "It's so beautiful" I whispered.

He wiped away a tear that escaped. "I miss her so much" I whispered as more tears slid down my cheeks. He pulled me into a hug. "I miss her too" He whispered as his chin lay on the top of my head.

He pulled away and wiped away my tears. "She wouldn't want us to cry" He whispered. I gave a small smile. "That's mom" I let out a soft laugh. He smiled and stood up. "I'll let you finish getting dressed" He kissed the top of my head and walked out.

I sighed and slid the ring on. It rested perfectly on my right ring finger. I smiled at it.

I miss you mommy

I sighed and slipped on my grey converse and put on my grey beanie. I fixed my makeup and smiled to myself in the mirror. I did look like my mother, a lot.

Enchanted - Jacob BlackWhere stories live. Discover now