Enchanted - Chapter 8

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"Get away from her" Jake growled stepping closer getting into Nate's face. 

Nate stepped back, pulling me with him, his grip on my waist tightening. I watched Bella as she stood back, her eyes on Jake.

"Get away from her" Jake growled even harsher, his knuckled turning white from his tight fists ready to come up and punch Nate in the face.

His eyes narrowed at Nate.

I took a deep breath.

"Go away Jake" I softly said, holding onto Nate's arm. 

His eyes softened as he turned to me. A confused and angered expression on his face. "What?" He breathed in. As if he just got punched. 

"I said go away, leave us alone" I said louder this time, standing straighter. I wasn't going to show him I was weak and afraid. 

"But Harper" His voice was soft. "Go away Jake" I repeated. He stepped forward. His face now soft and innocent. 

"Co-Come one Jake, maybe we should go" Bella's voice was shaky and scared. All eyes averted to her, her pale face turning more pale.

He stepped back.

Like she controlled him.

The anger raged inside me again. 

"Your right"Jake muttered, walking to Bella's side.

I felt my mouth slightly open in shock, it's like she was his owner. He would do anything for her, yet he'd do nothing for me.

I could feel him stab the knife into me.

She was controlling him, he's so in love with her.

My eyes stinged from the tears that threatened to fall.

I watched as they turned around and walked away.


I looked up, Nate's soft blues eyes filled with worry as they starred into mine. 

I stepped back, pushing Nate away.


I ignored his call.

I turned around as the first tear fell.

Why am I crying?

I took off down the beach, dropping my bag. The salty wind blew my hair back and stinged my teary eyes. I took off at top speed. I could hear Nate calling my name.

He was probably starring after me, wondering what's wrong.

I dodged the crowd of cops that hanged by the coffee place near the beach. I could hear a cop mumble 'crazy teenager' as I kept running down the street.

I didn't know where I was going and I didn't care.

Harper stop running and turn back around.

"Shut up"

I snapped at the stupid voice inside my head, tears streaming down my cheeks.


I felt the breath knocked out of me as I tripped and fell onto the ground, my knees ached from the pain, I could tell they were cut from the fall.

I sat there.

Letting the tears fall.

I didn't even know why I was crying?

Was it because of Jake?

Because of Nate?

Because of what I did?

I sobbed as my tears fell to the cement road. 

Enchanted - Jacob BlackWhere stories live. Discover now