Everything is connected by a thread of fate pt 2

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Hello readers this is Alexander I'd like to say real quick this is part two of 3 but if at the time I finish this part or I'm about to it may become four parts and all episodes matter especially season one and up to now cause there's big stuff going down at the end of the parts

Tho I won't spoil it lol enjoy part two

Last time on ghost...

We got silver eyes and new player in the field be careful...

"Alex agent of black star

Aliases: Alexander, Anubis, the pet of the silver eye, Bane of powers, the bloody wolf of blackest night.

Gender: male

Abilities: unknown

Age: unknown

Status: deadly do not engage correction do not go anywhere near him.

Last mission to spy...

Recording plays.. "Hey seer we've breached the oh sh-!!!!" *Static*

That was 10 days ago there body's where skinned and hung on Main Street by the target" max informs the group of heroes before we see the scene we left off in

He's- Jason...

He quickly suits up in..

Well to put it simply

All black armored: trench coat, black Anubis looking mask/helmet hybrid that folds back from his face when not need, and full power armor with flexible joints and free movement combined with full tactical assault armor and protection against emps, flash bangs, fire, ice, electric, and a full medical input from restarting the heart to nano healing and a slue of other things...

He carries only his gloves which are specially made to house exemplar claws as long as swords hidden in the tips all this but no guns or other weapons

He then walks to his motorcycle a creepy looking thing from were three decked out anti powers or powered silver eyes "are you three coming we have work to do come on meet me at three forty Carson street...we have a few questions for a well you know" he says smirking and rides off

5 miles away location of meeting place

A safe-house called Jericho is hidden in plan sight of the public by calling it a library no body ever goes there (lol)

Granted as Jason pulled up it's no a 'safe' house anymore he quickly dispatches a look out at the front by phasing his head from his shoulders

He access the building and just as the others arrive he's in the first door "breach capture kill only if you have too must get info first understood?" He says growling at the three silver eyes "yes boss" they answer and...

They burst in quickly taking each and every sentry down and subduing them silently but fast and they soon find the group of powers who took refuge here they quickly surround them assault rifles enter first and as they start panicking they hear "calm down you idiots we don't want you simply put you help us we never saw you got it?" Jason asks evilly as he enters helmet covering his face

The room got quiet as he came in everyone looked at him scared by now most knew of him and where completely afraid the leader of the group assigned to the safe house was the..piper and he answered "you'll get nothing uh!-" he starts reviving a fist to his gut "shhh the pain will fade piper you are one of my targets I have orders to end you but I'm willing to not for info on the seer and his whereabouts"

"Not gunna happen..bastard" he growls and then the whole room blacked the silver eyes screamed and Corbin and Jason looked around back to back for the cause of the black out and the screams when the lights came on there stood the vow wait no Samuel in a white suit and white tie with corny spy shades and white gloves, splatters of blood on his suit "vow?" Corbin asks honestly confused by the sudden appearance of the figure before him "nah he's asleep so you!" He changes focus after answering to Jason "where's my brother?" He asks attacking him

Unexpectedly even as he is now he still keeps up with Samuel but he didn't think to watch for hidden blades as one slices his mask in half cause a large cut up his muzzle to his forehead he stumbles back holding his face on half of the mask has fallen to the floor lucky all the refugees are gone out the back or this would be worse then what actually happened

Sam and Corbin forced to stomach the sight that witnessed when he stood stright a snark on is face "your a dead man" Jason growled and before he could attack Sam and Jason shared a look abd vanished through. Portal but Sams arm was grabbed by Jason as he slipped in the portal after Corbin and well when the portal closed his arm didn't come with bask. Was left holding the blood appendage growling royally pissed he took the mask fully off and cast it aside "that's it I'm gonna kill ever last power ever!" Then he storms out of the safe house and walking into what would be a incredibly dark night...

as rain hit his face apon leaving the safe house he threw his bike across town running off into the darkened city streets...he must've wandered for so long, and suddenly on the street lighting flashed showing him his reflection he looked at it and remarked "who is that" but when he realized the reflection was his he smashed the window it was in and received a fist if glad shards he yipped in pain and continued on now angry confused and heading to the home of his original identity tho wether by accident or fate he didn't know what was left to await him this night...

To be continued on chapter 11

THE GHOST: season 2Where stories live. Discover now