The story and life Of Alice Watson

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3 days before the reactor blast

It was a dark night as alice Watson who at the time was a up and coming cop who had been handed a very big case

-the case was nick named the case of the butcher of Zootopia he or that was the guess that he was male but that was not a official finding cause the perp left not as ingle indicator and the so called he was a psychotic artist and ex chemist that was the profile they made from his gruesome handy work

the perp had a taste for young wolfs females like our cop alice at the time was not dirty ruthless yes strong hard headed and tough yes but not a corrupt cop far from it she believed justice was the only higher power out there-

The killer had struck again and she had just arrived on the crime scene to witness a recruit puking her guys out for what ever lay behind the tape line which from the blocked off section no body was allowed even 50 miles close to even traffic was averted it was so bad

As she got closer the putred smell of rotting flesh and the iron like taste if blood assaulted her nose and mouth as she saw it

See they figured a artist cause he displayed not ou from art like paintings but books and story's the perps killings in different inspired ways had poped up as said like this was a gory rendition of the first depiction of death the body was striped of skin and flash then positioned with a added cloak and scythe with hour glass while the flesh and skin where stuffed to make a second form laying on a mattress the eyes and heart however where missing

And the same chemical narcotic found in the blood the perp signature was the art and chemical found at every scene

They figured a artist with a chemical science background for the chemical was unknown except for it was injected into the blood stream and that from the way each body seemed the perp did it while they where alive and awake the entire time paralyzed likely a side effect of the concoction

She growled and sighed under her breath "fuck"

A handsome young tiger waked up her partner "I know don't worry alice we will catch-"

"And how do you know this huh?!!! How!" She snapped "cause you are on the case and from past experience once you start no stoping you" the perp says with a honest face

From the top of a near roof a grining figure chuckles tho silently "dearest pretty wolf soon I'll add you to my art and alice Watson you will be my magnum opus my grand achievement I swear" the figure says and chomps on something that crushed in his mouth a crimson current came running down his hand after the crunch he chews it watches and finishes the thing leaving only half before calmly waking off into the night

The next day in precinct 30 located on the north end of Zootopia

12pm Saturday

Alice was working the case head in file after file her partner too tho he would convince her to stop every few moment so she didn't die from exhaustion and hunger

"Hold on!" She announced jumping up "the perp it's a she not a he and I know what she is!!!" She says tail wagging her partner had been paying attention "well don't keep me in suspense" he said smirking "Kyle hush or I'll lose it a vampire bat and I'm betting age 40 or in her early forties" alive proclaimed "makes scince let me see" Kyle interjected typing something "yep and guess how many bats none the less vampiric ones worked for chemical company's and took to buying art supplies regularly?" He asked "let me guess 3?" She guessed "one Anna Mather masters she was laid off for preforming extremely dangerous experiments I've got her address let's go!" He said as they rushed out after grabbing their badges and their guns..

After getting there ther broke the door down and found that it was not lived in did a long while but there was a mysteriously occupied sub-complex in her name way out side the city

The day of the reactor explosion they had the place surround swat everywhere they entered first And split up Kyle heard his partner call out and ran to find only hear gun he called swat in and they found her lucky before the but had time to begin but the concoction had been administered it unlike the others had caused a allergic reaction in her head pulse was gone as as explained the events that followed turned her into the powered cop seen in the chapter before

But five days after the law was passed outlawing powers when the mayor black offered her immunity for serving as his corrupt chief she took it with out a single thought

And that how alice the just became watts the corrupt

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