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A/N: at dance we had some audition thing that I don't really care about but we had to do this complicated turn combo and I couldn't remember what it was just after my teacher said it and now my nickname is Dory

Also is there anything that anyone would like to see more of in this book? Like any special characters or situations or anything just let me know in the comments or a message love u



My alarm goes off at 6:00 A.M. on a Thursday morning.

I wearily roll over and cut off the noise.

I turn on my camera and hit record.

"Good morning, fcuties! Haven't used that one in a while. It is currently 6:01 in the morning and we are about to go to the hospital for Scott's surgery!"

I see Scott stir in his sleep.

"Let's wake him up."

I shake him. "Scott."

He moves around and groans.

"Scott, it's time to get up."

He opens his eyes just a bit. "What time is it?"

"It's 6. We gotta go to the hospital."

He looks at the camera. "What are you doing?"

"I'm vlogging."

He sits up. "Hey Superfruiters- This is weird, we've never done this before- I'm about to get my body cut into again. And you're gonna come with us!"

I bring the camera over to our dresser. "We're both naked- oh, Scott has on boxers- well, we're usually naked, so I'm gonna hand this over to Scott while I get dressed."

I hand the camera to Scott. "Hi, again. I'm gonna wear these basketball shorts because in sporty..."

I pull on some boxers and a pair of jeans and one of Scott's t-shirts.

"Aw, Mitchie is wearing my shirt. I wanna wear one of your sweaters."

"It's hot!"

"But I need your luck during my surgery."

I throw an oversized sweater at him.

"Aren't we cute?" He says, handing the camera back over to me.

"We are #fcute."

"Oh my god you're going vintage!" Scott says from behind me.

"Let's go in the kitchen. By the way, these are our morning voices. No, we aren't gonna sing."

I get a water bottle. "Let's go to McDonald's!" Scott says.

"Sounds good."

I grab my keys and we get into the car.

I set the camera on the dashboard. "Let's do carpool karaoke."

"Omg, okay." Scott says.

I hook up my phone to the car and go in my playlist.

"Do you know what they would love?" Scott says with a smile.


"Pentatonix carpool karaoke. You know, since we didn't really do a video about the new album."

"Then we can have videos for two weeks so we don't have to make one next week! Smart thinking." I say.

"That wasn't the point but okay. Let's get started." Scott laughs.

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