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The alarm on my phone goes off.

I sit up and stretch before getting up off of the couch.

I grab the eating schedule I made and walk towards my room.

"Hey babe, I made you something!"

I push open our bedroom door to find something blocking it.

I knock. "Babe?"

After he doesn't answer I shove the door open.

A surge of panic goes through my body as I find my boyfriend lifeless on the floor.

"Scott! Scott, wake up!" I cry and shake him.

I see the pool of blood and his port laying on the floor.

I feel tears rush down my face as I run towards the phone.

"Hello, 911- my- my boyfriend, he's hurt and- he ripped his medicine port out of his chest- please someone help!" I scream into the phone while running back to his side.

The woman on the other end tries to calm me down.

"I can't calm down my boyfriend is laying in a pool of blood!"

"Okay, sir. Emergency services are already on the way."

I get a towel and throw it over his chest.

"Please, please, stay here for me. I love you so much, please don't leave!"

I grab his hand and close my eyes. "Please, God, Castiel, anyone, please don't take him from me."

"Wake up!" I scream through my sobs.

I hear sirens outside and hear a knock at the door before medics bust in.

I move out of the way and watch as they lift my lifeless boyfriend onto a stretcher.

"Is he dead?!" I scream.

"They're working on him the best they can, sir... he lost a lot of blood."

I can barely breathe as the tears keep rushing down my face.

"Does he have any prominent medical issues?" The EMT asks.

"He's just finished his last round of chemotherapy. He had bone cancer twice."

She takes notes.

"Any behavioral changes?"

I shake my head. "Nothing other than the normal fatigue and chemo stuff like that."

She nods. "Alright. You can ride to the hospital in the ambulance if you'd like."

I feel myself get lightheaded.

"Sir, I'm gonna need you to calm down... sir... sir!"

That's the last thing I hear before falling into darkness.


I wake up with lots of people around me.

"He's awake!"

I look to my left to see the band and my right to see our families.

I realize where I am and quickly sit up. "Where's my boyfriend?"

Kirstie looks over at me with a tear-stained face.

"He didn't make it."

I look over at my parents and Scott's dad.

"He's gone? He's not gone. He can't be gone! Where is he?! Take me to him!"

A nurse rushes in the room and holds me down.

I scream his name until something is injected into my arm.

Again I feel myself falling asleep.


I finally stop gasping for air and open my eyes to see a bright white light.

My sister reaches out and grabs my hands.

"Where am I?"

"You're in heaven."

I reach up and touch her face. "You're real."

She runs her hand through my hair.

My hair?!

I look down at myself to see no bruises or scars.

"You took your life. You had so much to look forward to, Scott."

For some reason I feel no sadness.

"But I don't-"

"You can't feel sad in heaven. Mitch was going to propose to you. You were going to get married."

"I know I shouldn't have done that."

"You are safe here. You are loved. Are you ready for your judgement?"

I look at the man standing behind the infamous golden gates.

She leads me over and I kneel before my Father.

I feel ashamed as my whole life is played out in front of me.

As I enter the gates of Heaven I'm led to a field.

"You're redeemed now, Scott. Do you feel at peace?"

"I do." I say and smile.

"Good. Now let's go meet the rest of our family up here. Did you know that our great-great-great-great-great-great-grandfather was a famous artist?"

I smile and take her hand as we explore Heaven.

"Wait! What did you mean when you said I'd help someone or change their life or something?"

She stops and looks at me. "You saved so many people's lives, Scott. Whether it be personally or through your music."

I smile.

"Come on, there's our grandfather! I'll race ya'!"

I laugh and rush to catch up with her.

I'm finally home.

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