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"So snapchat earlier this week my husband told me to pack some bags because we were going somewhere. I thought that we were going on a business trip. Turns out he planned this week and a half trip to celebrate our anniversary and for us to have a vacation." The woman said as she rotated the camera before starting a new video "So for the next week and a half The Irvings, Westbrooks and Shumperts are going to be on a boat in Spain. What part I can't say yet. But just know its lit right now ."

"But are you, Nina and Teyana having, a good time?" Iman asked, popping his head into the camera

"Iman move, your head out the way so that I can record!! Tey come get, your man. He over here blocking, my camera with his hair."

" Sorry sis. I can't hear you cause this drink is good."

"I see how it is Tey. You hurt my soul. You're supposed to be my wifey, girlfriend and mistress. I guess the love we shared wasn't strong enough. It's ok cause I got my girl Nina here with me and I know she won't let me down."

" You know I love you boo, but a family that sleeps together stays together. "

"I can't with you Teyana. It's ok cause guess what."

" What?"

"I have my boo Nina so I'm good where I'm at. Cause you and Iman are a trip."

"Baby girl you're the youngest one on this boat so if anyone is a trip its you."

"But you married me. And I carry your last name so who's a trip now? I believe that's you now."

"So this is what the married life is like?" Iman asked as him, and Teyana watched the couple playfully go back and forth

"This is what married life: The Irvings edition is like. But seriously being married is an absolute blast. We can't really dish out advice seeing as we've only been married for a year."

"She's being humble right now. So I'll give y'all my take on marriage. Being married isn't always going to be a walk in the park. You're going to have moments where you argue and you have to apologize cause you don't want to see her upset anymore. You also have to learn how to incorporate things she likes into things you like. But one thing I have gotten from being married to her is that I don't like seeing her upset. Especially if I'm the cause of it. So we've just learned to talk everything out before. So that we aren't at each others neck."

"That and Kyrie knows I'll pop him in his mouth. Try me."

Kyrie side eyed the woman before shaking his head. He knew she wasn't about that life. Well at, least not any more cause he remembered one time he raised his voice at her. And she quietly and quickly reached her hand up and popped him dead in his mouth halting all his movements.

"Show out Kyrie. You forgot you live with me? You gone be living off of noodles and fast food. Humble yourself babe."

"Ooh I'm going to starting, using that on Iman. Humble yourself Iman. See you always come in clutch."

"You have to use it when he least expects it. So when he's telling you to move out the way cause the game is on. That's when you hit him with that humble yourself babe."

"What about you guys? Nina I know you have Russell under lock. How's married life The Westbrook edition." The young woman asked

"Well its, definitely fun. Russell has shown me a lot of things and its, really taught us both how to balance things with each other. For the time we've been married, I've learned how to live the face paced life of a, NBA player. As far as me telling Russ to humble himself I tell him that all the time. I thought I was the only wife who did that. Like he'll come home loud for some odd reason and I'm just like baby humble yourself and get quiet. "

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