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"2 A.M. again and I'm thinkin' 'bout
2 A.M. again and I'm thinkin', should I come through?
Can I come kick
Can I come kick with you?
2 A.M. again and I'm thinkin' 'bout
It's 2 A.M. and I'm stuck up thinkin' about the
Last time you were behind me
All in the mirror
I could see everything you would be doin'
I could see everything, lookin' at me like you love me"

"Can I come kick it with you?"

She watched as the clock ticked down, growing closer and closer to two in the morning. She knew Kyrie was up waiting for her to send, that one text. Letting him know what was up. She didn't want anything sexual from him. She just wanted to be in his presence. This was a nightly thing, she always wondered, why he never came to her. That didn't stop her from watching the clock tick down to two a.m. and asking him one simple question.

"You know what's up baby girl. Come over." 

Slipping out of her bed, the woman went to her bathroom to freshen up. In the midst of this all she found herself staring  at her reflection. Wondering how two a.m. became, her favorite time of the day.  All she  could do, was think about the last time Kyrie stood behind her. Giving her a sense of protection. Making her feel as if, she mattered to him for that moment. She loved watching him through the mirror. She could see every muscle of his, every tattoo, every inch of him. But one thing she could see is how he looked at her like he loved her.  She knew better than to fall, for that look of comfort, that look of relaxation, that look of I'm yours. 

Shaking her head at herself, she pulled on a pair of shorts before sliding on a pair of shoes "I have got to do better. I have to, for my sake and his I need to do better." 

"I know you don't love me
I never care long as I come first, you come on time
I reverse, you rewind, do it again
Stuck in time, do it again"

"I thought, you cancelled on me. I would've been heart broken." Kyrie said, opening up his front door

"Oh, please Kyrie you would have lived. I doubt that heart broken would have been your answer to me not coming. But, thanks for effort."

"Girl, you know that I need you around, why you trying to play me?  You know I love you, right?"

"Is that so? You love me, Kyrie?"

"Ain't that, what I said. You're my baby. So yeah, I love you."

"If, you loved me then why do I have to wait till, its two in the morning for you to give me some type of recognition?  If, you love me like you say you do. Why am I the one having to do everything. Tell me Kyrie, do you really love me or do you love the thought of me?" 

"Like I said, I love you. Don't question me ok. I'm giving you the time and opportunity, that you want. Not many women can say that they have Kyrie Irving at their beck and call. You should feel loved."

"I guess, I should feel loved. But I don't really care as long as I come first and as long as you come on time. But you, Kyrie should feel lucky, not loved, but lucky. " She smirked

"And why am, I so 'lucky'? "

"Because, I'm here wasting my precious time and love, on your selfish ass. When I could have a good man in the Bay Area, showing me the love and affection, that I deserve. But yet, I'm here in Cleveland showing up to your house, at two in the morning. When I could be speaking sweet nothings to a loveable Klay Thompson. So, you better count your blessings. Because he's already told me, he's waiting for you to mess up, so he can snatch me up." 

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