I cannot write about someone who is a mystery to me

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02| Luke

Luke was still shocked that out of all the numbers he could have accidentally texted. Calum was it.

He never replied to Calum after that. He wasn't sure if he was ever going to.

They next day at school, he walked in heading straight towards his locker, unfortunately he didn't et there without any conflict. The normal people pushed and shoved him around.

When he got to his locker he was glad that Calum and his girlfriend were nowhere in sight. Peeling the sticky notes of the space of his locker he put them in a little plastic bag that he had put inside there along time ago. At the end of the day he always emptied the contents of the bag in the trash can.

It didn't prevent the words from still coming. He never understood why people bullied him, at first he thought it was because he was gay, he found out that wasn't the reason because plenty of the people at that school were gay, even Calum was bisexual and everyone knew it.

So what was so wrong about Luke?

He got into his first period class and sat in his normal seat once again, he was surprised once Calum came in and sat down next to him for the second day in a row. The only reason he did yesterday was because he was late and all the other seats were taken.

"Good morning Luke, how are you?" Calum gave him a toothy grin, and Luke swore that smile could cute cancer.

"M'fine how're you." Luke said in a low voice.

"I'm great." Before they could continue on their conversation the teacher walked in the room and began the lesson.

When the bell rang Luke made sure he was the first out the door, he was to nervous to talk to Calum again.

When lunch rolled around Luke couldn't have been a happier person, Luke didn't have any classes with his new friends so lunch was the only time he saw them.

Taking his water out of his backpack Luke walked over to the table setting it down when he sat.

Michael and Luke sat on one side of the table while Bryana and Ashton sat on the other. The three friendly faces were already sitting down when he got there.

"Hey guys." He sent them a tight lipped smile, Luke didn't like his actual smile that much so that was the most he ever gave.

He heard a chorus of hellos as they all began to eat, Luke just sipping on his water occasionally.

"So why didn't you text me last night Luke?" Michael questioned making the other two look up as well as Luke.

"Oh well here's the thing. Michael you accidentally gave me the wrong number and you'll never believe who it was."

"Who was it." Bryana ands Ashton asked at the same time suddenly interested in the conversation.

"Calum hood." He heard all three of them gasp in unison as he giggled slightly.

"Here give me your phone I'll just insert my number." Michael said, sighing Luke pulled his iPhone 4 out of his pocket, he couldn't afford anything else because his step mom never bought anything for him.

After Michael put in his number, he handed it over to Ashton and Bryana and the put it in for him.

"Luke I noticed you don't happen to eat lunch, there's not a problem is there?" Ashton asked frowning at the younger boy.

"Well I don't have the money to buy lunch food and I would bring a lunch but my step mom doesn't buy food for me so.." It was sad really the very skinny boy only ate once a day with the money he had gotten from his job at working from starbucks.

"That's terrible Luke, I'm going to buy you something right now and don't you dare complain." Bryana said standing up from the table.

When Luke was about to open his mouth Ashton cut him off.

"She's right don't even try to argue with her, it's gets you nowhere." Luke nodded smiling slightly staring down at his hands in his lap.

Bryana came back to the table with a tray full of food.

"Thanks Bryana but you honestly didn't have to do this for me." The shy boy thanked her barely being able to look at her.

"Of course I did, now hurry up and eat before lunch ends." When Bryana sat down Luke saw Ashton wrap his arm around her and kiss the side of her head.

I wonder what it would be like to do that with Calum. Luke thought as he watched the cute couple.

They all talked and laughed until lunch ended making them all head their separate ways.

After school Michael saw Luke about to walk home and offered him a ride, Luke kindly declined the offer but Michael insisted.

"You live here?" Michael gaped at the giant mansion.

"Yeah, it's insane."

"You mom will pay for a house like this but won't give you money for lunch?" Michael asked in disbelief.

"Step-mom and yeah she practically hates me." Luke sighed getting out of the car.

"I'm going to pick you up and drop you off from school now Luke, and that's final." Michael said out of his open window as he pulled out of the driveway.

Nodding Luke went to inside and started doing his daily chores again. It was always a vicious cycle he would go to school, come home do his chores, sleep, repeat.

He could barely catch a break on the weekends too, his stepmom always gave him the most ridiculous chores.

After finishing he went to his bedroom and started cleaning. He didn't want Molly (his stepmom) to walk in and see it was a mess.

When he was finally done cleaning for the day he sat down on his bed pulling out his phone.

He had a message from someone, which was awfully strange.

It was Calum

He had asked once again who he was

I can't tell you who I am but I will tell you that I do go to your school

Why not?

Because then you won't want to talk to me.

Fine, how about we play a game?

Okay what game.

21 questions and I try to guess who you are?

Sounds good to me.

Okay question Number 1 are you a boy?

Yes I am.

-skip to the last question.-

Question number 21 what do you like to do?

I like to read, write and draw a lot.

After all these questions and you still remain a mystery to me, I really wish I knew who you were, you sound like an amazing person and I really like you.

If you knew me you would stop talking to me, I've got to go I'll text you later Calum.

For the second night in a row Luke sighed as he turned off his phone. He was going to ask Michael what he should do tomorrow.

I have a lot of faith that in the next few chapters this book is going to get better. Hope you guys enjoyed.Xx


Ps: also until this book really hits off I'm probably gonna be updating a lot lolz.

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