© 2013 by tore56789 (GOS) All rights reserved.
When June opened her eyes, she saw her husband sitting there, miserable. And next to him, she saw her daughter, Sandra, crying profusely, saying over and over, “Daddy, why don’t you talk to me! Why won’t you talk to me?” The girls face was red with all the duress she was under, as her tears kept coming and coming. And for moments, she was amazed he was doing nothing. His lack of response as a parent both angered and troubled her. Something she was very determined to have out with him. And with that, she stepped away from her body, to go to her child. When the girl saw her she smiled so delightfully, and ran towards her.
Holding her daughter around the back, letting the little girl bury her head in chest, she continued to stare at her husband, with tears this time, as she realized he was staring right through her, as if she wasn’t there.
And then just as she tried to reach out to touch him, June heard a voice which came from a woman who had just walked into the room –right through the closed door. “He can’t see or hear you or your daughter, Mrs Collins, as you exist presently without physical substance –but as spiritual energy.”
Then smiling, the woman said, she was Artesia, an Angel who had come to take her daughter, also. She mentioned she had separated her, for that very reason. And had been most surprised to see her mother there comforting the child. As her time wasn’t to be now?
“How could you have left my daughter here alone like that? I guess I could expect this from the Social Services. But I would have thought Angels would have been far more responsible.”
The young woman, in white, who looked no more than in her late twenties, with pale blue eyes, a beautiful heart shaped face, smiled, as if she found the joke somewhat amusing, before voicing in response, “I reassure you under normal circumstances this wouldn’t happen. Only today is a special day. Several Angels working the I.C.U. (Intensive Care Unit) and the E.R. (Emergency Room) are being graded on becoming fully qualified Mediators. And I as a Superior had been called away for several minutes to check out on their progress. Sadly, I had awakened your child just seconds before that occurred. I am sorry.” She looked at the woman again, most concerned. “It is not your time? We have not been notified?”
The Choice
FantasyThe Choice is a touching story, just about how far a mother is willing to go for her children.