Chapter 11: Sleeping beauty

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I blink a few times my eyes, annoyed by the sunlight on my face. 

I finally fully open my eyes and realize I'm not on the couch where I fell asleep last night, no I'm in a bed.

With Sehun beside me.

I'm surprised to find myself in his arms but at the same time this situation is so perfect.

I had the best sleep since a long time, this night, feeling protected by the strong man holding me close to him.

He's still sleeping soundly so I take advantage to observe him.

His face is so peaceful like this. His long and dark eyelashes and his defined jawline.

Each time I'm more fascinated by his perfect features.

A few strand of hair have fell on his eyes so I slowly raise my hand and push them gently off.

I let my hand stay on his cheek for a little moment and I'm hypnotized by Sehun's eyes slowly opening.

He stares at me as I still have my hand on his cheek.

"What are you going?" He asks gently and a bit amused. 

I blush and quickly try to take off my hand, but he grabs it and intertwines our fingers together.

I observe our hands tied up together like this and smile, fully happy at the moment.

"Did you sleep well?" He asks me.

I slowly nod "Best sleep since a long time."

"I'm glad then, you seemed so tired so I thought I would just let you sleep, I hope you don't mind?" He asks slightly worried.

"It's fine, I have a day off today so everything is fine, but the members are probably worried because I didn't came back." I add as I bit my lower lip, worried of their reaction when I'll come back.

"What about we stay here forever and never go out, just you and me?" He offers.

I nod vigorously "That's a great idea!"

I let my head rest on his chest, feeling his regular breathing.  

"I'm so happy right now" I whisper.

He plays a bit with my hair "Me too"

Even though we have to keep our relationship secret from the world, at this moment nothing could have make us sad. 

After a moment my stomach growls in hunger.

"I would love to stay here longer but I'm not sure my stomach will agree" I laugh a bit.

He sighs dramatically but right after his own stomach growls.

"Okay maybe mine too" We both laugh and go downstairs to get breakfast.

Unfortunately for us, all Exo are already up and eating breakfast, while Kyungsoo is as usual cooking.

"Whohoooo look who's here!" Chen shouts teasingly, as Baekhyun is smiling proudly.

I don't have time to say anything that Sehun gives him a "Oh shut up you!" and a deadly glare.

Chen doesn't say anything more but I can see at his smile that he's not done yet with the maknae. 

We eat and quickly I get pass the embarrassment and we all talk casually. 

Soon enough I have to go back to my dorm.

Sehun comes with me to the entrance and pecks my lip "Call me okay?" He asks.

"Of course." I smile and get on my tiptoes and kiss him more deeply.

Idol Life: Why can't we? / Sehun fan fictionWhere stories live. Discover now