Chapter 3

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  • Dedicated to My sister Michaela for being there for me through it all

First i want to thank alexanoelle for making ym overr:)<3

Chapter 3


There has got to be another way to complete my plan. I'll just have to think of another way to get her out of my way. IF she ever wakes up. If she doesn't then everything will be perfect.

I see Lianna's little blue car pull into my driveway. It's two weeks after the accident and Tianna was still not waking up. I walk down the stairs to let her in.

"I went to the hospital today," Lianna blurts out once i open the door.

"Oh gosh! Is she awake yet?" I say frantically, acting like I'm really worried for Ti's health.

"No, Mike told me something though.." She trails off looking down at her feet.

"What did he tell you?" I demand, very interested.

"The doctor told him that if Ti wakes up..." She pauses and gulps trying not to cry. "That she might never be able to talk again." She says finnally.

"Oh no!" I cry, fakely.

"I know. And did you know they had to amputate two toes and her pinky on her left hand?" She says eyeing me.

"No, I didn't," I mumble.

"Have you even gone to the hospital yet?" She demands.

"No.." I trail off.

"Don't you care what happens to her?" She yells.

"Of course I do!" I screech.

"Then why haven't you visited her? Huh. Why haven't you gone over to Miss. Kent's and seen how she was doing? She's so depressed beacuse of what hapenned to Ti." Lianna practically spits out, her face red, blue eyes cold and angry.

"Why would I care about her mom? I don't even know her," I smirk shrugging my shoulders.

"Wow. This was all your fault and you don't even care. Your sitting here acting like you did nothing wrong. Your freaking laughing. How can you laugh when you made it so Tianna is in a coma?"

"Get out of my house." I demand. And what does she do? She laughs. She just laughs and walks away.


Wow, Ashley really doesn't care about Tianna. What if.... No it's not even possible. I shrug off the thought and dial MaKayla's number.

"Hello?" She answers.

"Kay, I think Ashley wanted Ti to die," I say right away. MaKayla doesn't say anything for a couple minutes.

"Wow Lia. Are you sure?" She asks hesitantly.

"Yeah, she was laughing about it and she hasn't even been to the hospital yet."

"Oh my god," She mutters. "I mean I always knew Ash was a bitch, but to... To want somebody dead is going a little far," She pauses. "Oh. My. God." She says loudly.


"What if, if Ashley planned the whole thing."

"You mean, she could have planned to kil Tianna?" I say doubtfully.

"Yeah. And you know what," she says as I hear her chewing some type of food.


"Jacklyn was probably in on it."

"Why would you say that," I say even more doubtfully.

"Her and Ash kept looking at eachother and giving eachother looks during the whole game giving out easy dares so that Ti would pick dare when Ashley asked her."

"Oh gosh you're right." I say sucking in a deep breath.

"Yeah," she says sadly.

Me and MaKayla say goodbye, and hang up. I send a quick text to Mike.

Me- I think it was planned..

Mike- What? What was planned.

I took a deep breath and slowly texted back.

Me- I think Ti's accident was planned. I think they meant for her to die though.

I hold my breath as i wait for him to answer. I was doing something risky telling Mike this. He would do anything to protect Tianna and if he found out that it was Ashley and Jacklyn he would kill them himself.

Mike- What makes you say that? And planned by who? The cheer team?

I breathe deeply, I can't tell him who.

Me- I have reasons to believe that two girls wanted her dead, for unknown reasons.

I sigh. There that was good. It didn't give away too much.

Mike- Who? Who wanted her dead?

Me- I'm sorry. I love you a lot, but I can't tell you.

Mike- What do you mean you can't... You can't or you won't?

Me- I can't. Let me find out more about why they would be mad at her... When I know it was them for sure I will tell you. I promise.

Mike- Fine. I just want to know what hapenned to my little sister.

"I know Mike," I whisper. I walk into my house and up to my room. I sigh and collapse onto my bed. I miss her so much. I need to talk to her about this all. I need her.


I wish I could say I'm mad about Lianna not telling me who wanted Ti dead, but I understand why she can't. She needs to know for sure what is going on before telling me anything. I look up at the ceiling of my room. Across the hall I hear my mom sobbing in my room. This is so hard on her. The only times she is happy is when girls from the cheer team come visit. Mostly it's Lianna and MaKayla but Abby and Frankie come too. All girls have gone to see Tianna except for Ashley.

I sigh.

"God please, let Tianna wake up. Let her come back, let her talk to her friends, let her find love and happiness." I sigh. That was the first time I asked God for a favor since I was 13, when I asked him to bring my Dad back to life. I start to cry softly. We have already lost Dad we can't lose Tianna too.

I soon fade into darkness as I fall asleep.


I wish i never agreed to helping Ashley get rid of Tianna. I don't even know why I did. I had nothing against her, she was nice, pretty, and a good cheerleader. Honestly Ashley was just overreacting when she found out that she had a date with Todd. I mean sure Ashley liked him, but Tianna didn't even know.

Oh my god if Tianna dies then i helped kill an innocent girl. She was so happy and giggly all the time. She didn't deserve what hapenned to her. She lost two toes and a finger. She might never be able to talk. I did this to her. Tianna please wake up. Please be able to sing and laugh and dance and scream. Please be able to do everything you used to do. Please, I'm so sorry.

So I decided to put some of Jacklyn's thoughts in here. I hope you like it!! VOTEE IT ONLY TAKES .24 SECONDSS:D lol comment and let me know what you think and let me know if you want anything to hapenn in the next chapter:)

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