Chapter 4

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Chapter 4


3 weeks later**

As i walk into the hospital room I see doctors leaning over Tianna and Mike and Miss. Kent listening to them.

"What's going on?" I ask rushing into the room. Mike grabs my hand and smiles at me.

"She moved her head and feet a little bit," He says smiling.

"Is she awake?"

"No," His smile slightly fades. "But, they think she has more of a chance to wake up. They think it will be in the next month maybe."

"Yes, we thought that by now it has been 5 weeks and her chances of waking up shouldn't be as high. This girl here is a fighter and she wants to wake up. She is being responsive to people squeezing her hand and she start smiling when Mike hugged her," The doctor said amazed.

"She has always been strong," Mike said hugging me and kissing my forehead.

"Do you think she will," Miss. Kent paused and tried to hold back the tears running down her cheeks. She took a deep breath and started again. "Do you think she will be able to talk?"

"Mom..." Mike trails off.

"We don't know yet. Chances are that she will never speak again," The doctor says looking down. "I am very sorry." He says looking her in the eye. "But remember she will be able to walk and jump and dance. She will get by. She will be able to smile. At least she'll be alive."

Mike lets go of me to pull his mom into a big hug. "Mom, it will be okay. She's alive and she's trying to wake up that's all that matters."


Voices. I hear voices. My mom. Mike. Lianna. And others. Mom, she's crying. I try to open my eyes but it feels like they are glued together. I slightly move my hand I can't move. What's wrong with me. I feel my head getting foggy. No! I don't want to sleep I need to go to school. I have slept all day. I have cheer practice today. I need to wake up. My thoughts get slower and slower until I return the nothingness of sleep. Just five more minutes.


I know my mom was upset about Tianna never being able to laugh or sing or even talk, but at least they are giving her a real chance of waking up. She moves her finger lightly. I go over and hold her hand. Lianna starts talking.

"Come Tianna, you're being so strong. Try to wake up. I have so much to tell you. Todd called me. He wanted to know if he could come see you. He wants to come visit you." She starts laughing. "Ti, you should have never gone out with him, he's hooked." She gets this funny look on her face. She goes from laughing to completely crying. "Ti, everybody loves you so much except for two people. Why did they do this to you?"

"Lia..." She looks over at me and wipes her eyes. "Who hates her? Who did this?"

She just shakes her head. She walks around Tianna's bed and she kisses me. She has never kissed me like that. She seemed so desperate. I kissed her back and then I pulled away.

"Lianna..." I trail off.

"No, Mikey. Don't say anything. I have to go talk to somebody." She looks at me and kisses my cheek.

"I love you," I whisper in her ear.

She nods and walks away.

"Lianna," I say softly.

"Yes Mikey," She looks at me.

"Please, find out who did this."

"I will."

I sigh and hold Tianna's hand. My mom walks back into the room and leans into me. I put my arm around her and we just stand like that holding Tianna's hands hoping and praying she will wake up soon.


"Hey Lianna," I say hugging her as I let her into my house.

"Hey," She says smiling slightly.

"What's up?"

"I just got back from the hospital.."

"I went yesterday, I hate seeing her like this. I'm used to seeing her all happy, not so weak." I say sighing.

"Yeah I know. I guess she was moving today. They think she'll wake up in the next month. I wish Ashley hadn't dared her to do that."

I start sobbing. I need to tell somebody about that night maybe I can trust Lianna. She deserves to know the truth. At that second Ash starts calling me. Lianna had come over to hug me I calm myself and answer the phone.


"She's gonna wake up." She says angrily.

"Yeah. I know." I sigh.

"I have a new plan..."

"Ashley.." I trail off.

"Are you in or out?" She says exasperated.

I take a deep breath if I'm out she'll do it herself. I need to stop her.

"Okay, I'm in."

"Okay, well here's the plan..."

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