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Kid Flash:Wally West

Wally stayed by my side no matter what. 9 months passed by and the baby is due any day now. I was with Barry and Iris when my water broke, I gasped, Barry instantly was by my side "her water broke!" Iris shouted, Barry quickly changed into Flash and carried me to the hospital. Everything was a blur to me, Wally somehow managed to get to Central City quiet fast. I screamed in pain again, Wally squeezed my hand in reassurance "it's going to be okay babe, I'm here," Wally kept saying stuff like that to me "I see the head," the midwife said "just one more push," I did what I was told and I heard crying, I sighed in relief, "congratulations Mister and Mrs. West, it's a baby boy!" The midwife cheered, Wally helped me sit up before handing me the baby bundle. I stroked my son's cheek softly, "what do you want to name him?" Wally asked softly "Richard Barry West," I said, I looked at Wally happily, "you want to name him after Dick and Uncle?" Asked Wally "well why not?" I asked "besides, I've been thinking about Dick becoming our son's godfather," I added, the door opened, Barry and Iris came in followed by my parents, "it's a boy," I said before Iris can ask "and his name?" Barry asked "Richard Barry West." I answered, Barry looked very happy with my choice of names, Iris gently took Richard and gently rocked him with Mother watching them both, Father nodded at Wally in approval.

Nightwing:Dick Grayson

Dick is off in Blüdhaven leaving me alone at the Wayne Manor. Barbra went wild when she found out I was pregnant, the others were very careful with me since I'm 9 months pregnant now. I currently welcomed Damian when he came back from patrol "hey Damian," I greeted him, Damian opened his mouth to great me back but stopped when I gasped, "FATHER!!" Damian shouted. Jason quickly scooped me up, he carried me to his Mustang and drove off "hold on Y/n, hold on!" Jason said, the hospital came into view, from there everything was a blur. I remember Jason carrying me inside the hospital with Tim, Damian and Bruce not to far behind. Minutes later I'm in a room with Dick by my side "it's going to be okay love," Dick murmured softly and kissed my forehead, another wave of pain hit me, "I see the baby's head!" The midwife said "one last push," I nodded and pushed making me scream again, I heard a baby's cry making me sigh in relief "it's a girl!" The midwife cheered, Dick helped me sit up before the midwife handed me our baby girl, I cradled her in my arms lovingly, "do you want to hold her?" I asked, Dick nodded and took our baby girl, "what do you want to name her?" Asked Dick, I thought for a minute, "Anabeth Marie Grayson," I said, Dick smiled at our daughter, "Anabeth, it's perfect," Dick said, I smiled, the door opened the others came in, "so, can I see the demon spawn you guys have now?" Jason asked, I threw a pillow at him which hit Bruce in the face, "oops," I said "I'm letting it slid this time," Bruce said, Tim took Anabeth from Dick and cooed at her, "she looks like Y/n," Tim pointed out "then she better have Dick's eyes," I answered back, Damian peered at Anabeth very curiously, "Drake's right, she does look like you." I rolled my eyes "can we have her back?" Asked Dick, I took Anabeth from Tim, Jason pouted because he didn't get a chance to hold her, "sorry Todd, I don't trust you," I said "wha-why?" He asked "I just don't." Dick started laughing at Jason's expression while I smirked, Anabeth is still asleep. I kissed her forehead softly.

Superboy:Connor Kent

M'gann and I are talking about baby names "Ronald?" M'gann suggested "no," "John?" "No," "Max?" "No M'gann, besides, we don't even know if it's a boy or a girl," "point taken," I sighed, thinking of names is harder than Connor and I thought, since he isn't here right now M'gann is helping me, "Crystal?" "No," "Violet?" "No," "Helen?" "No," "I got it," I said "well tell me!" M'gann demanded "Annabel Helena Kent," I said "perfect." Said Connor, I turned around to face him, he smiled, I was about to smile back but a sudden pain hit me making me gasp, "HER WATER BROKE!!" M'gann shouted, Connor quickly scooped me up and carried me to Sphere, Sphere quickly transformed into her motorcycle form and took off, M'gann cradle my head saying soft soothing words. Minutes later we reached the hospital, from there everything was a blur. I screamed again because of the pain, Connor grabbed my hand "it's okay love, I'm here." He said quietly "I see the head, just one more push," I nodded and complied, I heard crying from our child, "congratulations Mister and Mrs. Kent, it's a baby boy." The midwife said, Connor helped me sit up before taking our son, I took our son from him. He looked just like Connor "what should we name him?" I asked "you didn't think of boy names?" I shook my head as a no, "M'gann kept suggesting names I didn't really like," I said "how about Lincoln Clark Kent?" Connor suggested "naming your son after me huh?" Clark and Lois came in, "it's actually Connor's idea but sure, I like the name," I said, I heard some baby noises from Lincoln, I looked down to be met with e/c eyes "he has my eyes." I said, Connor looked at Lincoln, "he sure does." Said Connor. Lois took Lincoln from me and cooed at him, Clark clapped Connor on the back while I watched my family in happiness.

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