How you meet part 2

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Hey guys sorry I wanted to let you know these probably won't follow exactly to the events of the games! Thanks!!!~HappyPaws
You are the inquisitor, you have been for about five months now. You have been having a hard time because it was a big difference from living on the farm where all you had to worry about was helping your father put food on the table for your mother and siblings.

You had five siblings two older, a twin and two younger. The older one's names were Kay and Kayleon. The younger two's names were Lucinda and Uriel. Your twin' s name was Davion, you and Davion were inseparable u...until...

"Sir, you have a visitor claiming to have very valuable information!" A random scout said loudly snapping you out of your daydream.

You cleared your throat of the building emotion. "Send them in." You rasped.

The scout noticed your emotion and nodded before quickly walking away.

A few minutes later a young man with longish blonde hair walked in. He wore an oversized hat that covered his eyes.

"I hear you have information that could help us?" You ask voice choking with intense emotion.

"Slowly. Slowly choking from the inside out, wanting to forget. Forget them along with the pain. Dying. Dying from the notion of never seeing their faces again-"

You get angry, how did he know? "How?" The boy looked confused so you add. "How the heck do you know about that?"

The boy stayed silent for a few moments. "Overwhelming grief. Slowly drowning, in the pain." He cut himself realizing now wasn't the time.

Realizing he wasn't going tell you, you gave up. "If your not going to tell me that at least tell me your name.*

He thought for a moment. "Cole." He says softly.

Hey guys I hope that fits his character, if not sorry!


Varric' s pov:

So this is it. Hawke is really dead, after all of the battles s/he has fought what I feared would happen actually happened. Now all I've left is gone. Hawke was supposed to introduce me to the inquisitor. The person that s/he put all of his/her faith in. Even though Hawke is gone I'll still meet the inquisitor in fact I'm in Skyhold now, I'm just waiting now.

I start thinking more about Hawke. It makes the tears finally roll down my cheeks like knives sliding through the skin piercing and puncturing it.

"Varric Tethras," a voice behind me says. I turn around seeing a man/woman standing behind me with H/C hair and E/C eyes. I nod."My apologies for the loss of your dear friend, Hawke."

Sorry guys I know it's awful but still hope you enjoyed it! Please vote and comment!!!~Happy Paws

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