Part 36

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Alex's POV

"What?" I said shocked, covering my mouth, although in the back of my mind I knew it was true. I saw all the signs, I knew. Every time they stopped in their sentences. Every time they talked in secrets. Every time he lied.

"Um..Ya, he showed us the know, with the....blood." He mumbled nervously, looking away from me and down at his hands. What the actual hell? He didn't just tell them? He had to show them the sheets too? But that's personal. I'm so done with Louis.

"Oh my god." I said between my fingers as I got up to confront my boyfriend. I need to have a talk with him, he needs to learn a lesson. Other wise known as me killing my boyfriend.

Or ex boyfriend, I should say.


I walked quietly, almost tiptoeing towards the living room. I walked quietly, fumbling around until I reached the living room. I noticed Louis and Harry were watching soccer, Liam and Zayn arguing cutely. Ziam and Larry. And speaking of Larry....

I was about to go confront Louis, when I felt a grip on my hand. Niall. He tightly gripped my hand as he pulled me back into his room. He was rough as he closed the door shut quickly. He slanted his eyes before turning around and stalking to his bed. I had a flashback of that day Niall hurt me.

I brought one of my hands to his face, hovering it, not quite touching it, unsure. Niall slapped my hand away and pushed me. Hard. I fell on my bum, making a loud thump in the room. I started crawling backwards as Niall neared me, destroying everything in his way. Vases, tables, chairs, papers, everything went flying.

"The one person. The one person I fall for. I gave you my heart but like glass you dropped it. You're a worthless slut. Louis is my bandmate too. How do you expect me to work with him now."

I kept scooting backwards on the floor until I hit the wall, preventing me from moving. My legs were straight out. Niall walked up to me and crouched down, making his face level with mine. I tilted my head back, screwing my eyes shut tightly as he neared his face towards my neck/ear area. I held my breath.

Niall traced my neck with his fingers, stopped just at the base of my throat. He bit his lip and looked at me. I opened my eyes and raised my head forward, starting to apologize.

"I-I'm s-s-s-so sorry-y Niall. I d-didn-"

"Stop stuttering God damn it!"

I nodded, and brought my knees to my chest, wrapping my arms around them.

"You're not thinking straight Alex! What are you going to accuse him of? You don't even know the full story? Who you gonna ask? I'm not telling you! So good luck with this!" He growled, biting his lip harshly as he crossed his arms, smirking in triumph. He was almost saying checkmate, like he won. Funny, he hasn't won, not yet.

I walked around, finding the exact curly headed dude I was looking for.



I gripped his shirt, pulling him into his room. I looked around at his room, disgusted by all the clothes all over the floor and all the random opened condom wrappers.

"Tell me Harry. Tell me the full story of Louis, and him playing me."

"Of what?" He tried to play dumb, but I wasn't having any of it.

"If you don't tell what's going on, I swear I will make sure you are incapable of having children." I swore between my teeth.

Harry sighed as he motioned for me to sit, and he began telling the story of Louis, and my kidnapping.


Harry's POV

"So," I avoided eye contact with her as I sighed, telling her the story I knew I'd have to tell her.

"Basically, you've been kidnapped because of a bet. It's as simple as that. Louis said he knew you when you guys were in high school, and apparently you were the nerd of your school." She blushed momentarily at her old personality.

"Do you remember him?" I asked carefully, watching her as she shifted positions

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"Do you remember him?" I asked carefully, watching her as she shifted positions.

"No," she said, but I felt like she was lying.

"He was your bully, wasn't her?" I guessed, but kinda already knew the answer. Louis never told us the full story, so I never know.

"Anyways.." She brushed me off impatiently.

"Well, when he saw you that night, he remembered you. And he made a bet right then and there to see if he could take your virginity, then break your heart.... And he clearly did." I rubbed the back of my neck awkwardly, noticing how sad she looked, as if she knew all along.


"He broke your heart?! And you're just..okay?"

She flinched, then narrowed her eyes." Well," she said in a quiet voice," it's your fault as much as his. You didn't tell me."


He angered at my words as I got up to leave the room. Harry stood up, walking towards me until he had slammed me against the wall. He put his hands on either side of my head on the wall behind me. His tongue darted from his lips quickly before furrowing his eyebrows in anger.

"You.. Are a b*tch Alex." I gasped at his words, they hurt more than anybody else's words ever. It was because he was the only one who truly understood me, and now... I've got no one.

I shoved him off, opening the door, to go find louis...


"Louis? You want to explain something to me?"

"What ma'am? What do you need love?" He said cutely before cheekily  pulling me to him, grasping my bum. I pushed away from him, clearly angry.

His face twisted in concern. "What's wrong love?"

"I know. I know what you did, your plan, everything."

"Who let it slip?" He said angrily.

I know I probably shouldn't have told him, but he looked so angry.

"Umm, no one." I lied

"It was Niall, wasn't it?" Shoot, he knew.

He stomped off to find Niall, probably to kill him.


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