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Eliza"s POV

Jaslyn and I trekked across the large plain after Bree. The mountains rose and a dragon popped out of no where and- that never happened. I'm bored. Where was I? Oh yeah. 

Jaslyn and I followed Bree up to the front door of the white mansion. I was not impressed. The house Jaslyn, Bree, and I share in California is one hundred times the size of this house. It could fit a million hot men. You know. Just sayin'.

Bree knocked on the door. Almost instantly, a woman with blond hair opened the door. She was pretty. Her features were like of an angel's. her hair was perfect honey gold.

"Who are you?" sneered the girl. I could feel the elevator look, checking us out.

"Wow. We just knocked and already someone is mean to us. Usually it takes a few insults, but this little-," Jaslyn retorted.

"Freaking," I muttered. She had a rude air about her I didn't like.

"I am so sorry about them," apologized Bree. Jaslyn stuck her tongue out at Bree from behind. "May we come in?" 

"If you have to," Blondie rudely said. She moved aside and let us in. On the way passed her, Jaslyn 'accidentally' stomped on Blondie's foot then continued walking like nothing happened. 

The three of us walked into the next room and it was filled wih vampires. A shape-shifter was leaning against a couch.

"This is the most amount of vamps in one area since the wars in the south," said Jaslyn. She plopped down on the couch and put her feet up. 

"I am sorry about her," apologized Bree for the millionth time.

"Stop apologizing. If I was sorry then I would say so," snapped Jaslyn. I laughed and tried to high-five her when Bree glared at me.

"I would be sorry to be your friend," sneered the first girl. Jaslyn glared daggers at her.

"Anyways," Bree started, staring at Jazzy,"My name is Bree and these are my friends Eliza Marie and Jaslyn." 

"It's nice to meet you," said the blonde man named Carlise Cullen. He stuck out his hand and Bree shook it. 

"The the pleasure did all mine, Dr. Cullen." 

"Stop with all the formalities. It's giving me a fucking headache," bitched Jaslyn. 

"Stop being a bitch," I replied. 

"And nearly nobody believes that we are best friends and have been for a long time," Bree said, looking at Jaslyn. 

"I kind of want to know why we are friends. I mean, we are all different. I like eating humans and killing people and stealing and I cheat and stuff. You hate cheating and always lecture us on all of the bad things Jackass and I do. Plus, you read all of the time and get good grades," Jaslyn said. "Eliza is more like me than you." 

"But, she is still a different person than the two of us. Also, we can talk about this later," Bree said. She looked back at the group of people. "I am sorry for Jazzy's dirty mouth."

"Oh shut up, Bree. You cuss too and we know it. Plus, we know your dark secret..." I grinned at her. Bree blushed, and the vamps looked like they didn't know what to make of us.

"Any ways, we have come because we heard that you guys were standing up to the Volturi. We want to help." Bree smiled sweetly and Jaslyn just looked at her nails. I just stared at the vamps. 

"How can humans face powerful vampires?" the huge guy named Emmet asked. 

"Humans are puny," Jaslyn commented, then realized the meaning behind his statement.

"Who ever said that we were human?" The three of us smiled our smiles worthy of the worst demons. Jaslyn's horns grew out and her tail poked out. The tips of my hair started on fire. Bree's purple eyes glowed. 

"We are nothing close to human."

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