Q and A

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"When where you born?" one of the vamps asked in a weird accent. I think his name was Stefan.

"710 A.C. in Japan," Jaslyn said examining her first knife from- surprise, suprise- Japan. "This was my first knife. The way they made it is believed to be too high-tech for that century, the way the metals were folded into each other and melted then folded and melted. Also the placement of the jade into the handle and how the blade stays sharp." Jaslyn spaced out, dreaming of how her knife was made.

"In China, around 6600 B.C.," I said. "We don't know exactly when, because we actually did not care about time. We thought that keeping time was, weirdly, a waste of time. We focused on other things like advancing and let me tell you, I prefer the way it is today than during my childhood. I am actually the oldest of the three of us."

"I was born around 5600 BC near Greece. It's not an exact date. We didn't really keep track. It was not until later that we estimated that year when my youngest sibling was born in 210 at exactly three months, one week, six days, ten hours, five minutes, twenty-nine seconds, and forty five nano seconds after me and my other siblings," Bree said. I will never know how she memorized that. Or why she or they would care.

"Shouldn't you be dead then?" asked the other guy, Vladimir.

"Shouldn't you be dead?" I snapped back.

There was an awkward silence.

"Have any of you even went to school passed middle school?" Edward asked.

"I hate school," I complained. "Other then the stupid homework which is identical to the work we just did in class, some teachers are alright."

"Sometimes, I wish that I could just kill them. Especially math and science teachers. I got detention once for saying something 'rude' and 'mean' to someone who bumped into me on purpose!" Jaslyn exclaimed.

"Try having that one old foreign teacher. He plays this really weird music to help us "focus" in class, but it just gives Anthony an excuse to make farting noises."

"I have had almost all straight A's. That stupid B in science broke my record of having perfect grades for- well- a very long time," Bree said. "Curse that B." I rolled my eyes at her need to be "perfect". I'm not sure why she won't believe me when I said the example of perfect was me.

"Bree's mom makes us go to school. We're just lucky that we don't have to share a house with our siblings, espeically all of Bree's. Seeing them after and during school is enough," I said.

"We have also gone to college," Bree said. "Multiple times actually. I have a doctors degree in history, the arts, and medicine."

"I have a MS Degree, a surgeon degree, and a degree in art," Jaslyn said.

"A doctors degree in film and movies, art, and cooking," I said.

"That is amazing," complimented Esme.

"We are kind of amazing and a big deal," Bree beamed. I laughed. A big deal when me and Jaslyn murdered a bitch for trying to have a bitch fit about us being cooler then her.

"I just like ripping people apart and I got a degree in therapy so I can help Bree and Eliza with their problems, which are super confusing," Jaslyn said. "Feelings are just weird. I don't understand them."

"You mentioned siblings. How many do you guys have?" Maggie asked.

"One younger sister," Jaz answered.

"Two sisters. One younger and one older," I said.

Bree mumbled something.

"Didn't catch that," Jaslyn said smirking.

Bree mumbled something again.

I smirked. "Still can't hear you. Speak louder darlin'."

Bree glared at the two of us. "You two already know. I am one of sixteen! Okay! I have fifteen brothers and sisters! Ten older and five younger!"

"And I thought I had a big family," Emmet joked.

"What is that like?" Zafrana asked.

"Crowded at council meetings and trials. I mean, why do we have to be there? It's my grandma and parents who make all of the decisions! We just sit there bored out of our minds! And then at the meetings, Hunter just wants to start a war, Tiffany and Riley argue, and my sister and I just fight. Andre had to sit between us," Bree fumed.

"Which sister?" I asked, innocently.

Bree ground her teeth. "Analisia Janice Harper Margret July Alicia Janet Mollisa Yanda Doris Éclair."

Jacob whistled. "Long name."

"You should hear the rest of them. They're super long and none of them even use their actual names," I said.

"The two of you don't use your names either," Bree said.

"If Bree, Eliza Marie, and Jaslyn aren't your names, that what are your names?" Rosalie asked.

"Bree memerized them. I have trouble remembering my name," Jaslyn said.

"I am Alcina Fiona Demetra Alekxandra Winnifred Cassadriana Ylanfa Hagria Gianna Breetilda," Bree said. "We got Bree from my last name, not my sir and but the last of my names. Jazz is Jaslyndiana Aneko Kazami Thoru Ou Aoi Akane Chiyo Haru. Eliza's name is Xin-Fao Li Chuang Han. Eliza is after her favorite character in some TV show. I don't get it."

"Oh wow. I would go by Bree, Eliza Marie, and Jaslyn too," Bella said.

There was a knock on the door then someone came in.

"Hey Seth," greeted Bella. She went around us and hugged the boy.

My friends and I turned around.

"Hi," the boy said, looking at us. "My name is Seth Clearwater and you are?"

"I'm Jaslyn."

"Eliza Marie."

Bree was looking down. Seth walked to her. "Who are you?" he asked kindly.

"Bree." She looked up and their eyes met.

"She's a goner," Jazz said.

"Lost in the world of fancy," I said.

Bree found her soul mate and the guy is older than her physically and technically. Great. Just what we needed.

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