Blue Jeans [One Shot]

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This was lowkey inspired by Blue Jeans by Lana Del Rey because honestly I can write 1000 lex one shots inspired by her songs.


You had spent a majority of your twenty fifth year at those parties. More than once a week he would host one. You liked to pretend he hosted them for you, sort of like what Jay Gatsby did for Daisy Buchanan.

Every night, at exactly seven o'clock, you would arrive in front of the glass doors. A man in a dark suit would hold them open for you. You would step inside, your glittering black gown trailing behind. Your shoes would click softly against the floor. Everyone's heads would turn. They knew who you were; you were forever his.

You paid no attention to them. Your eyes were on his the entire time. As he saw you, your eyes would burn. He was so perfect; your exact daydream. He would stand eagerly in the massive group with a glass of red wine in his hands and a small smirk on his face. He would find you immediately in the crowd and keep you close to him all night. Most of your time was spent with your forehead against his, his lips brushing yours occasionally.

After several glasses of wine had entered your system, he would take you to his office. The voices and music from the party would be muffled by those large wooden doors. You would sit in front of the fire on a soft white love seat. He would stay right beside you, no space between his right leg and your left. His hands would cup your face as his lips moved against yours. It was endless. Months on months of this perfect, hidden bliss.

Hardly any words were ever spoken. Every now and then, you would whisper his name and he would shut his eyes, savor your soft voice, and kiss you again. Each kiss left you dizzy; they tasted of strong wine.

You had no doubt that you were in love with him. Nothing had even happened outside of the parties; there were no dates, no kisses outside of this room, no hand holding, no looking. Still, he never went to find another woman, and you never went to find another man.

As his lips pressed harder against yours, you let your eyes open. His did the same. He pulled back a bit and let his fingers wander across your cheekbones. You sighed and watched his parted lips.

"I will love you til the end of time," you breathed.

His fingers stopped moving. He didn't speak, didn't react. You tried to pull his lips back to yours, but he resisted. Wordlessly, he stood. You reached for him.

"Lex," you whispered, heart hurting with every beat.

He looked pained. "I do not feel the same way," he said. "I can't. I... I... mm." He shook his head. "You should go."

Your heart sunk to your chest as you realized that what you had was over. You had taken it too far. Lex Luthor never loved a woman; he wouldn't let the relationship get to that point. You had fallen under the assumption that his silent kisses meant he loved you.

"No, please," you said. Your world stopped. You could hear your breathing in your ears.

"___," he begged. "Just go."

You shook your head. Complete disbelief filled you. "You love me," you stated. He had to. After every single party, every embrace, kiss... he had to.

He didn't answer. He looked away, grabbed a glass, a poured himself some bourbon. You watched with teary eyes as he sipped it, ignoring what you had said. Why wouldn't he answer? Carefully, you stood.

"You love me," you said to him again. You reached out and grabbed his shoulders. Squeezing lightly, you pressed your cheek against his back. "You do, Lex. I can see it. You don't have to be afraid. I love you." You reached up to whisper in his ear, "Just promise that you're mine."

"Mm... no," he replied quietly. His voice shook. "No. No, I cannot do that!" He shrugged you off and walked away, taking another sip of alcohol.

"Lex," you said. "Lex, please."

"Does it look like I love you?" he asked harshly. He turned towards you and sneered. "Does it... does it seem like I am overflowing with absolute admiration right now? Hm? No, no it does not. Because I do not love you."

Tears filled your eyes. You shook your head and pressed your lips together until they made a tight line. He had to love you. He had to. He had to. He had to.

"Get out of here," he spat in disgust, stepping forward. His body was shaking, his voice quivering, his hands waving around. He looked insane. "Get out! I do not love you, ___!"

"You... you have to," you breathed.

He stepped forward until his chest pressed against yours. You trembled in fear. He towered over you as he shouted, "Does it look like I love you?"

You began to sob. Your knees felt weak as he watched you in disgust. The tears made it impossible to see him, and for that you were glad. You shut your eyes to hide. He walked away, and you sank to the ground. Your makeup ran with every tear, your throat became scratchy. You wanted it like it was before. Before you realized that what you were to Lex was not what he was to you.

He was the love of your life, but you were his distraction. You kept him grounded as he chased after ridiculous dreams and dozens of ideas. And still, throughout all of the heartache that you felt, you loved him. For some ridiculous reason, you were wishing to go back. To savor those perfect kisses and whisper his name. Because you loved him.

I will love you til the end of time
I would wait a million years
Promise you'll remember that you're mine

Lex Luthor x Reader [one shots/imagines] Where stories live. Discover now