Summer Days *12* [Football Game]

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Remember you either read this one or the other one. I mean you can read both if you want, but you only have to read one for the story to make sense (:

This one features: ZACK, ANGEAL, TERRA, ZEXION, LEON



A knocking from the door awoke you from your slumber.
"[Name]?" Cloud's muffles voice came from through the door. You lifted your head from your pillow and peeled away the stray pieces of hair that was stuck to your face.
"Come in!" You called. You pushed yourself of the bed as Cloud leaned against your doorframe. "Hey", You spoke up rubbing your eye in a sleepy manner, "What's wrong?"
Cloud's face looked distressed. He straightened his form and coughed. "Um are you going to the football game?"
You nodded, "I planned on it why?"
"Well", He began, "I just thought maybe you'd go with me. I'm about to leave."
You grinned, "Sure Cloud. Wait- Did you say you're about to leave?"
He smirked and nodded, "It's 30 minutes till kickoff."
You jumped out of bed and began to race around the room gathering things to get ready. "I'll be right down!"
Cloud chuckled and closed the door as he left. A few minutes later you raced down the stairs fully ready. "Ok I'm ready to leave!"
Cloud was leaning against the kitchen counter and didn't seem to notice you entered the room. You stepped over to him and grazed your finger against his shoulder. "Cloud?"
He jumped and looked up at you, "Oh sorry. Are you ready?"
You nodded, "Yeah. Are you ok Cloud?"
He hesitated before nodding, "I'm fine it's's been a while since I've been to a football game."
"Don't worry Cloud." You gave him a reassuring smile, "Everything is gonna be fine."
He gave you a soft smile before motioning towards the door to leave. After walking with Cloud for a little bit you both arrived at the football stadium. Saying it was huge would be quite the understatement. You let your mouth drop open at it's monstrous size. You heard Cloud chuckle and quickly closed your jaw in embarrassment.
"Lets go find Leon." Cloud told you, leading the way through the crowd.
"Why Leon?" you asked following Cloud closely as you tried not to get lost.
"He's the coach", he looked at you, "And our ticket to getting front row seats." Cloud continued to walk but stopped suddenly causing you to bump into his back.
"CLOUD!" you heard Zack yell over the loud crowd. He was standing on a cement block waving his arms madly. Cloud sighed, but you could see the slight smile on his lips. You and Cloud walked over to Zack. He was wearing his gear with his jersey over it, but he wasn't wearing his helmet.
"[Name]! Long time no see! I knew you would come to my game though." Zack greeted you with a smirk. He jumped off the block to give you a hug, causing you to blush. Cloud coughed and Zack released you.
"Aw you wanna hug too Cloud?" Zack opened his arms and Cloud glared at him. But even Cloud's ice cold glare couldn't remove the large smile from Zack's face. "Come on, Leon would love to see you guys!"
Zack led the way onto the field where Leon stood talking to Angeal. Leon turned and saw Cloud, then you. "Cloud?[Name]?" Leon asked, Angeal followed his gaze and greeted you both, "Hey [Name]. Hey Cloud."
Cloud walked up to Leon, "What? Surprised I showed?"
Leon smirked, "A bit."
While Leon and Cloud talked a bit Zack wrapped his arm around you playfully. Angeal pushed Zack in the shoulder slightly, "Your Receiver tonight Puppy."
Zack's arm fell and a grin grew across his face, "Are you serious Angeal!?"
You smiled at Zack's energy. Zack noticed you smiling, "You picked a great night to come [Name]! Your gonna see some real action!" Zack cheered posing like he was running.
"Or a giant mistake." Angeal said. "Don’t get to cocky Fair. This is gonna be a hard win."
Zack shrugged it off and you giggled, "What are you playing tonight Angeal?"
Angeal smiled at you and a light blush involuntarily flooded your cheeks, "I’m Quarter Back."
Zack leaned toward you and whispered loudly, "Yeah but he sucks." Angeal glared at Zack.
"[Name]!" Terra yelled and hugged you from behind. You laughed and blushed, "Hey Terra."
Terra let go and stood beside you, "What we talking about here?" Angeal opened his mouth but Zack spoke, "Angeal sucking at football."
Angeal stepped toward Zack and Zack stepped back sheepishly, "Just kidding Angeal, take a joke man."
Terra nodded and Angeal glared at him, "No I mean you’re a good QB and all Angeal but no one compares to our old Quarterback." Everyone got quiet while you stood confused, "Who was your old Quarterback?"
Zack pointed behind him at Leon and Cloud while Terra answered, "Cloud."
Angeal just nodded.
"Hey!" Leon yelled calling the players over. Terra, Zack and Angeal said their byes and ran over. You walked towards Cloud.
"They're gonna start soon, we're allowed to stay down here by Leon if we don’t get in the way." You nodded.
"Lets go HBA!!" You heard Yuffie yell, but couldn’t see her. Cloud began to turn to look for Yuffie when a blur jumped onto his back. He stumbled forward but balanced himself. "Yuffie!" He yelled.
Yuffie hugged his back continued to yell cheers for HBA. You started to laugh. "Hey [Name]! How are ya?" Yuffie asked casually.
"Just fine you?" You answered smiling widely.
"Yuffie." Cloud said firmly.
"Oh! Cloud!? I didn’t even see you there!" She jumped off his back. She nudged him with her elbow, "Nice to see you back here."
Cloud just nodded. You talked to Yuffie for a minute before another loud cheer gained your attention. You turned your head to look further down the sideline. As you did so the game started as HBA kicked off to Destiny Academy.
"2,4,6,8 Who do we appreciate? Not the King, Not the Queen. Only the Hollow Bastion Football team!" You finally found the source of the cheering, "I didn’t know we had cheerleaders."
Yuffie nodded, "Yupp see!"
She began to drag you towards where the cheerleaders were.
"Wait is that-?" You asked but Yuffie cut you off, "Yupp, Head cheerleader is Kairi, shocker. And then there's Selphie, and Namine and-"
Your eyes widened, "Namine? She's a cheerleader?"
Yuffie nodded. "Follow me."
She led you closer to them. Namine saw you and smiled. She ran over to you and Yuffie hugging you both.
"Hey Namine!" Yuffie yelled. "Hi Namine." You greeted.
"[Name]! Yuffie!" She smiled widely at you both. She looked nice in the white and purple cheerleading uniform. It was the first time you saw her hair tied up into a ponytail.
"Namine!" Kairi screeched from the group of cheerleaders. Somehow you managed to do so without getting noticed by the large crowd of watchers.
"I gotta go guys sorry talk to you later." Namine said and ran back to the cheer group.
"Come on lets go watch the game [Name]." Yuffie dragged you back to the sideline.
It was now the beginning of the fourth quarter and the score was 21-14. HBA was losing. We just got the ball back and the offense lined up to try and score.
"Come on focus!" Cloud yelled from the sideline.
"Blue Blue Hike!!" Angeal's deep voice boomed from the field. The ball snapped back to him. You could see Zack take off down the field covered by one other player. Angeal threw the ball as hard as he could before getting tackled by two of the opposing team. Zack caught the ball, stumbling a bit, and the home crowd went wild as he was tackled into the end zone.
"Oh no." Cloud mumbled. You turned your attention away from the celebrating Zack in the end zone. Leon was running onto the field towards Angeal, who was still on the ground.
"Yuffie get Aerith." Cloud told her, and she ran off. Cloud ran out to help Leon.
"Don’t worry [Name]." Terra said as he came over to stand by you with his helmet tucked under his arm, "He'll be alright."
You nodded, yet you still worried. Leon and Cloud wrapped Angeal's arms around their neck and helped him limp off the field. The entire crowd clapped giving him respect.
"I'll be back." Terra said. He snapped on his helmet and ran on with the rest of the kicking team. Terra kicked the ball through the field goal earning the extra point bringing the game to 21-21.
Yuffie ran back with Aerith in tow. Terra also ran back over as the HBA defense ran onto the field.
"What happened?" Aerith asked with concern as she kneeled beside Angeal who was seated on the bench.
"His ankle." Leon said firmly before pulling Cloud aside.
"Is he going to be okay?" You asked watching Aerith wrap his ankle. Angeal gave you a small reassuring smile, but he flinched and the smile disappeared.
"It's just a sprain he'll be fine. I’m Aerith by the way." She held out her hand for you to shake. After shaking her hand you replied, "I'm [Name]."
She nodded happily smiling.
"Leon." Cloud said, "I can’t."
You tuned in on their conversation inconspicuously.
"Cloud the team needs you. Just this once." Leon pushed. Cloud shook his head.
"Cloud this is great." You said turning around to face them. They both turned to look at you and you froze up.
"I-I mean, you know this would be good for you. You should play and stuff." You said scratching the back of your head sheepishly.
"I don’t know." Cloud said looking down, "I don’t even have any gear!" Angeal spoke up this time, "You could use some of mine. And the stuff that doesn’t fit Leon could lend you. He always keeps extra gear."
Yuffie chuckled and sung, "No more excuses."
Cloud sighed and nodded, "Give me the gear."
Angeal began to take off his jersey when Leon pulled out a duffel bag from beneath the bench and tossed it to Cloud. Cloud took it and began to run to the locker room.
Angeal looked at Leon, "What’s up with the bag?"
"When he showed up today I had someone run into the storage shed and grab it just in case.
A moment later Cloud walked back wearing all the appropriate gear. His jersey read, Strife 00.
"My old gear Leon?" Cloud asked. Leon walked over to a large black bag and took out a helmet, it had a small red heart with a 'T' in it. Leon tossed it to him.
"And my helmet." Cloud said tracing the heart with his thumb.
"I couldn’t throw it away. I knew you'd be back anyways." Peon smirked.
Cloud chuckled and his head snapped up when defense ran back in, it was still a tied game. Offense began to run out but Cloud stayed back for a minute.
"Well what are you waiting for?" Angeal asked. Cloud put his helmet on and readjusted it.
"Move it Strife! I wanna see some action out there!" Leon yelled and hit Cloud's helmet before sliding his headset back on over his ears. Time was running out. The first two plays Cloud had some trouble, but by the third play he got a first down. The team only needed one more touchdown.
"Hike!" Cloud yelled and the ball was snapped back to him. Zack and the other receivers ran down the field in a Hail Mary pass. Cloud looked around. He fake pumped the throw before turning and throwing the ball in Zack's direction. Just as the ball left his hand he was tackled by the opposing team. The ball soared through the air landing perfectly in Zack's arm. Zack ran, evading the defense, and dove into the end zone. The crowd went wild at the final score of 21-27. You and Yuffie cheered loudly from the sideline. Everyone ran onto the field cheering and wanting to get a closer look at the gold championship trophy.
"Come on [Name]!" Yuffie dragged you onto the field.

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