Chapter 2

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"Evelyn, wake up! You're gonna be late. Hale's here to take you to school." Luke tells me. I look at my phone, 7:30am. 

"Damnit!" I jump out of bed, rush to the closet, grab a blue button up plaid shirt, a pair of skinny jeans, and sandals, rush to the bathroom, change, do my hair, brush my teeth, grab my backpack and phone and rush downstairs. I forgot my necklace from May so I rush up to grab it and I see Hale and May waiting for me.

"Love you mom and dad." I tell them as I rush towards the truck and Hale and May follow. "Wait why are you guys taking me to school?"

"We wanted to see our best friend on the first day of school." May tells me from the backseat.

"I don't know what i'd be without you two. Thank you guys." We arrive at the school and suddenly I start to get nervous.

"Evelyn, don't be nervous. How bout this, call me and May and I will drive over to your house and you can tell us all about what happened today." Hale tells me. I reach over for a hug from Hale and he gives me one, then hop out to give May the front seat after she gives me a hug.

"You got this girl." I wave to them as i'm walking inside the school and watch them leave.

"I got this. May and Hale are my two best friends who can make the best day ever from a single crappy day." I rub my necklace and head to my locker to organize it a bit. I grab my books and head to Chemistry. I find a seat in the back and pull out my book. The bell rings and everyone rushes in. The final bell rings and in walks Mark Jensen, the quarterback of the football team, popular and a complete party animal. All the girls suddenly perk up and flirt with him as he walks to the back row where i'm at.

"Mr. Jensen. I appreciate if you would get to class before the tardy bell rings." Mrs. Bellmore says.

"I can't promise anything mrs. Bellmore." Mark says, making the class laugh. 

"Onto the seating arrangements," The class groans while I just sit there quietly listening. She goes through three sets of lab partners, "Evelyn, you're with Mark." The room suddenly got quiet as I make my way to the other lab station the teacher told us to sit. 

'Don't freak, don't panic. Just breathe.' 

I look around and the girls are giving me death stares. I hear a barstool move next to me and I look up to see Mark. I take a couple deep breath to keep myself from having a panic attack. The teacher paired up everyone else.

"Ok class, now get to know your partners since i'm not changing the seating arrangements." 

"H-hi im Evelyn." I say quietly. Mark doesn't answer. This is gonna be a hecka long year. He finally looks at me with emerald green eyes that seem to hypnotize me.

"Did you say something?" He says with an australian accent. I nod, but he goes back to messing around with his friend who sits in front of him. I get a paper ball thrown at my head. 

'Stay away from Mark. He's mine.' I quickly fold it up and toss it in my bag and pull out my book.

"You read?" He snickers and goes back to what he's doing before. The bell rings and he rushes out of there and I sit waiting for everyone to leave. I pack my stuff up and head to the restroom. I hear the door open and two girls walk in.

"Oh my god! The teacher had the nerve to pair Mark, the hottest guy in school with that girl! He should've been paired with me." I stay quiet and pull out my phone.

Me: May, you there?

May: Hey girl what happened?

Me: I'm hiding in the bathroom in one of the stalls because two girls came in and started talking about me being paired with and I quote, "The hottest guy in school."

"I have an idea." The other girl said.

"What is it Ashley?" 

"We force her to switch partners. I'm talking notes in lockers and just ruining her every single day so her confidence will be destroyed and you get your man back." Ashley says and they cheer before heading out of the bathroom. 

Me: Will you guys mind picking me up from school? I'm trying not to cry.

May: Of course girl. Let me text Hale and let him know ok? Ill see you after school.

Me: Thanks May. You're the best.

May: Anytime girl.

I put my phone away and cautiously walk out of the stall to the sink to wipe my face off. Eyes look puffy and I just look like crap. 

'Hale and May will be there for me after school. I just need to get through the rest of the day.'

I walk out of the restroom with my head down and walk to my next class home ec. I relax knowing Mark probably isn't gonna be in this class. Speak of the devil, walks in like he owns the damn classroom. 

"Ok class. Pick your partners, but pick wisely." Mrs. Hayfield tells us. I rush to the back cooking station next to my seat and start the recipe on the board. 

"Can I join you?" The australian accent sounds so familiar. Why the hell is he finally giving me the time of day. I look up at him and in the corners of my eyes see all the girls glaring daggers at my head. He turns around and the girls start flirting with him. 

"Uhh... may I ask why? You have girls throwing themselves at you." Im shocked at myself. I didn't stutter or anything. He chuckles.

"You're the only one who's not affected by my charm." He smiles, showing off his pearly whites and dimples. 

"Ok fine. I'm probably gonna be the local gossip mill this week, but i'm sticking my neck out for you. You do your part and ill do mine." He nods and we get to work.

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