Chapter 6

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A month of school went by. I still get the death stares and whispers from the first day of school. I get up and walk into the bathroom to get ready, then I walk over t the closet to grab my grey sweater, jeans, and my cute fuzzy boots. I smile and walk downstairs after grabbing my necklace to see the rest of the family.

"Morning sweetheart." Mom give me a kiss on the cheek, "You look adorable today."

"Thanks mom." I hear dad and Luke coming down the stairs.

"Theres my little girl." Dad comes up to give me a hug.

"Dad, i'm not little anymore."

"I know, but to me, you'll always be my little girl." I kiss him on the cheek, give Luke a hug, and walk out to meet Hale and May. It's been our routine since the first day of school. They will always have my back and I have theirs. 

"Hey girl. You look adorable!" May tells me, earning her a smile from me. I can see Hale trying to hide his smile and shaking his head.

"Thanks May. Hale, what are you hiding?" 

"Uhh nothing." He stutters. May and I look at each other smiling. Oh boy we're gonna have some fun with this. We arrive at the school and I give Hale a hug.

"Be safe Evelyn." I smile and nod. I get out and May gives me a hug.

"Have fun today." I smile and I wave at them. I turn around and their all staring at me. I look down and walk to my locker.

"Oh my god did you see those two people?" I turn around so fast, shocker I didn't get whiplash.

"Hey watch it. They're people too. They don't deserve your gossip." I grab my stuff and run to the library when I run into someone. I fall backwards. "Hey watch where you're going." I look up and see Mark standing over me with an arm extended. I grab it and he pulls me up, but not before feeling shocks.

"You ok Evelyn?" He asks me.

"I guess so." I reach down and pick up my stuff. "Sorry Mark, it's just turning into a really crappy day and it hasn't even started yet." I clamp my hand over my mouth. What the hell was I just doing, telling Mark my problem.

"It's ok. I see how the girls look at you. Glares just because you're near me." I lean against a wall in the hallway and slide down to the ground.

"I don't get it. You're popular, really fricking hot, quarterback of the football team. But all I see is an arrogant jerk who doesn't care what others think, yet here you are." I look at him and see him smiling really wide and his dimples are on display. 

"Did you just call me hot?" My eyes go wide and I face palm myself. 

'Smooth move idiot'

"Uhh... i'm gonna get to class." I grab my stuff and sped walked  to Chemistry, before looking behind me and seeing Mark look my way. This is a bit weird.

Mark's P.O.V

Someone runs into me and I hear a grunt. I look down and I see Evelyn. 

"Hey watch where you're going!" Her hazel eyes go wide with shock. I extend my hand, she takes it and I feel shocks from where our hands touch. 

"Are you ok?" I ask her. 

"Yeah. I guess so." She grabs her stuff that fell on the ground. "Sorry. It's just another crappy day and it hasn't even started yet!" She leans up against the wall and slides down to the ground and put her head in her hands. I sit down next to her.

"I see the looks the other girls give you, just because you're near me." She looks up at me.

"I don't get it. You're fricking hot, quarterback of the football team, and all girls literally worship you." I smile.

"Did you just call me hot?" I say smiling and her face turns red as a tomato.

"Uhh... I have to get to class." She gets up and rushes away and I catch myself watching her. She's not like the other girls, she's shy, but that's what makes her unique.

Evelyn's P.O.V

Holy crap! I just called Mark Jensen hot. Of course i'm an idiot. I walk into Chemistry with a small smile on my face. The bell rings and Mark walks in, but instead of charming the pants off the ladies in the class, he just ignores him and walks over to sit next to me. People are giving me stares mixed with daggers.

"Oh my god, Becky did you see that? That that GIRL changed him!!!"

I quietly slide off the barstool and hide under the counter and I hear Mark chuckling.

"Eve, switch me spots." I nod and I get up and switch places with Mark, feeling a little better knowing there's a wall behind me and to the right, and Mark to the left. 

"Today, we're going to burn toothpicks that were soaked in different acids to see what colors show up using the color spectrum." Mrs. Bellmore tells us. 

"I'll get the bunsen burner and the toothpicks." Mark tells me. I nod and he walks away and I read the lab we got.

"What are you doing?" I look up to see three girls glaring at me.

"Umm waiting for my partner so we can do the experiment." I reply back and they start snickering. What the hell did I do to them? Why don't they understand that Mark is human too, like he belongs to no one. 

'You're developing feelings for him Eve'

"Didn't you read the board? He's no longer your partner." I was just about to reply back when Mark's voice is heard.

"You ready to get started Eve?" He smiles at me and I try not to think of what the girls told me. I start my part and Mark notices something's up. "What happened?" 

"Ah uh nothing you need to worry about." The bell rings and I quickly pack everything up. I rush out of the classroom and I feel someone grab my arm to pull me back.

"Evelyn, I know when you're lying." His emerald eyes look darker and I gulp, telling myself not to panic. 

"I'll tell you next period. I promise you." He lets me go and I walk to my locker to switch out my books before walking to the library. I walk over to the desk, sit down, and take deep breaths.

"Dear, what happened?" Mrs. Peacock asks me. I turn around and see her smiling at me.

"It's just weird to say the least." The bell rings and I stand up, giving her a hug. 

"I'm here during lunch if you want to come in and talk. I know I say no food, but I trust you." I smile and say thank you before walking out of the classroom to face Mark yet again.

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