Chapter 23

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"Please don't freak." May starts, walking up to Mark to give him a hug as she opens the door to the truck for him to sit down, "Evelyn wasn't looking too well after Brittney kissed you. Her and Annabelle went to the school to hopefully talk to someone about what was happening. I pull up to the school just as a car leaves and two girls who look a lot like Annabelle and Evelyn were in the backseat." She finishes. One can feel the rage roll right of Mark's body.

"I can't lose her. She is the light in my dark life, she basically showed me that beauty just wasn't in looks and popularity, it was in the heart and she showed it." He starts shaking and laying his head on May's shoulder. I walk up to him and put a hand on his shoulder.

"We'll get her back. We're a family and no one gets left behind, and before you ask, you're one of us now." I tell him and he looks up, wrapping me up to give me a bro hug and I return it.

"Let's go get the girls." I smile and we load up in the truck to drive to the police station. We get out and walk up to the front desk.

"Hi, how can I help you?" The lady behind the desk asks us.

"Hi, my two best friends have been kidnapped and we have the car that they were in." May starts. The lady automatically has a shocked look on her face.

"Let me go find the captain real quick to tell him of the situation." We nod and she leaves.

"Who would want to hurt Evelyn or Annabelle?" Mark asks, leaning up against the desk. The lady comes back out with the captain behind her.

"Hi, I'm Captain Hernandez. You guys called it in and we've been working on it. Come on back." We follow the captain into another busy room. There are three seats and we sit in those. "You say you have the make and model of the car?"

"I got the license plate number as well." I say as I pull out the paper from my pocket and hand it to the captain. 

"Thank you." He says as they go back to finding Evelyn and Annabelle

"Please be safe girls." I whisper.

Evelyn's P.O.V

So since they never tied us up, their not really hostage takers. 

"Evelyn, will we be ok?" Annabelle whispers to me. Her head is laying on my shoulder and is silently crying.

"We'll be fine. If anything, I know who these people are sadly." I sigh. They didn't wrap zip ties around our wrists so that's a good thing... right? The car stops and the back driver side door opens.

"Get out." The man says. He looks like one you wouldn't want to mess with, especially with my height and limited muscle. I grab Annabelle's hand as we're taken into a warehouse with two chairs waiting. "Sit down." The same man says. 

"Annabelle, they aren't being aggressive with us, they want us for something." I whisper to her and she nods, walking to the two chairs. Two men come out with rope in their hands and wrap our wrists to behind the chair. I glanced at Annabelle and she's glaring at me and I just shrug my shoulders, mouthing, "Didn't anticipate this." 

"How are you princess?" The voice that has been haunting me throughout my high school career simply because Mark fell in love with me and not the cheerleader of Brittney.

"Hi Brittney." I smile sweetly, earning a death glare from her. She motions for one of the guys to hit me. He walks forward and goes to hit me and I use my legs to trip him, then turn around quickly to whack him with the wooden chair. The guy goes down and I turn around, panting, daring the rest of the guys to try and get me. 

"Oh darling, you didn't anticipate the boys having firepower, didn't you?" I jump and kick Brittney, the chair breaking underneath me when I hit the ground. I quickly untie my hands and use two pieces of sharp wood as my weapon till I can find something else. 

"Let's dance. Leave your goons out of this." I say to her as I walk carefully, checking my surroundings to untie Annabelle, "Get to safety." I whisper, but she shakes her head.

"Oh hell no. We're in this together. I know how to fight." I smile. That's my girl. Someone tackles me down and my instincts kick in, trying to get him off me. I send a roundhouse kick to his side, knocking him off balance, then I bend backwards, kicking him right in the jaw. 

"Get her." Brittney says and all hell breaks loose. Annabelle and I are both fighting off multiple people at one time. Everything I learned comes back to me as we're practically fighting for our survival. I see Brittney trying to escape and I chuck one of the sharp wood sticks her way and it ends up two inches in front of her face. I finished fighting and I stand with adrenaline pulsating through my body, itching for another fight. Brittney looks at me and I smile. I look at Annabelle to see her panting but a pile of guys around her and she's smiling. I run and do a roundhouse cart wheel till i'm right in front of her.

"Where do you think you're going?" I smile at her and we start fighting each other. Her fighting skills aren't really anything to be worried about.

"Freeze!" Someone yells and I grab Brittney's wrists, wrapping them behind her back, looking to see where the voice came from. There's flashlights shining at me and I have to squint my eyes. I see one person walking towards me.

"Evelyn." That voice. I start crying as Mark runs towards me. Behind him is an officer who handcuffs Brittney. I let her go as Mark engulfs me in a hug, crying into his shoulder. 

"Mark..." I start going faint and I look down at my hand which was on my side, covered in blood. He picks me up bridal style and carries me to the medic. He puts me on the stretcher and holds my hand.

"I love you Princess." The last thing I hear before I fall into unconsciousness. 

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