Start of Tour

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I watched outside the bus window thinking about Perrie a I played with Lola's hair, her head on my lap where she had fallen asleep curled up with a doll. I wanted to be excited about tour, but how could I be excited when I knew Perrie wasn't safe at home, and bringing two kids far away from home is a big responsibility.

We've barely started yet I already feel like I'm ruining this for everyone, I want to jump up grab my kids and my thing and run.

My head thumped with pain, I tried to keep my eyes outside to afraid I'd break down if I looked into the lads eyes, I knew they were all staring at the side of my face with sad expressions and that's the last thing I wanted to face. My neck got tired so without looking over at the lads I swung my legs up onto the couch gently lifting up Lola and bringing her close to my chest, I soon was asleep.

"Daddy? Daddy, Reuben and me want to play barbies." she shook me

"Wait." I groaned in a sleepy tone.

"No" she whined "We want to play now"

"Ok, ok." I slowly opened my eye adjusting to the light

I jumped up grabbing Lo then I brought her into the bedroom picking up the baby i headed back to the living room. Reuben cradled in one arm a blonde doll in the other.

"Playing dolls all by yourself?" Liam asked coming up to the couch and sitting down

"She had to go to the bathroom." I mumbled looking at the baby "Where are the rest of the lads?"

"They went to get a coffee I was just up in my bunk sleeping." he yawned "How are you feeling?"

"Alright as I can be, I guess." I shrugged taking a quick glance up at Liam

"We hate seeing you like this zayn, we really do but we understand and we're your family too you can always talk to us." Liam patted me on the shoulder

"I know thanks"

"Want to go grab some breakfast it's ten am?" he offered

I looked around real quick, "Ya just let me get them dressed."

Sorry it's really short but I haven't updated in so long so i figured if start them on tour! and thanks for all the reads and votes

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