Call About Perrie

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Zayn's POV

I yawned and slowly opened my eyes. I got the best sleep tonight, Ben only woke up a few times and Lola slept through the night. The lads are coming over this afternoon so it should be interesting. I got out of bed and walked into the bathroom quickly brushing my teeth and hopping in the shower well I had a chance. I got dressed in a purple t-shirt with tan trousers, no need for shoes to be in the house.

I walked past Lola's room peeking in to check on her, she was asleep still. I walked into Reuben's room and he was laying in his crib staring up at the white ceiling.

"How long have you been up?" I cooed at him

"Who's daddy's good boy?" I smiled at the gurgling baby kicking his feet.

Perrie would love to see him again, I can't bring him by the hospital but I wills show her some pictures when I get to visit. No, I haven't seen Perrie and it's been at least five days. I went to visit her a couple days ago but they told me she couldn't except any visitors right now, no one, not even her husband. I've been worried about her like crazy the dumb doctors wouldn't even tell me why I couldn't see her.t 

I looked back down at the baby and bent over picking him up. He started to cry when I put him back down on his changing table. I unbuttoned his onesie changing his diaper then putting a little gray elephant feetie. I bundled him up in he grey and white stripped blanket and carried him down the hallway into Lo's room. I saw her move around under the duvet clutching the end of it with her small hands as she slowly opened her eyes adjusting on me standing at her door.

"Daddy? What are you doing?" She asked sleepily

"I was just checking on you. It's already ten and the boy will be over soon." I smiled at her

"Louis' coming over to play with me?" She asked excitedly sitting up

"Well the boys want to meet Reuben. You can introduce them." I chuckled she smiled widely at me

"Ok, but Louis will be mad that you didn't name Reuben Louis." She said seriously making me laugh really loud the baby flinching in my arms

"Shhh, it's ok baby. Daddy's sorry." I cooed at him

"Are you ready to get dressed?" I asked

She nodded and hopped out of bed. "I'll be right back I'm going to put the baby in his crib." she nodded and I left the room.

I came back and picked out Lola a little purple tutu out with white leggings and a light blue shirt. I combed through her thin blond hair and put a purple bow in her it holding down the loose peices in the front of her face. I placed a kiss on her forehead before picking her up, grabbing the monitor and walking downstairs.

I walked into the kitchen and sat her at a stool.

"Are you hungry?" I asked running y hands through my hair tiredly

"Yes." she nodded

"Ok does chocolate pancakes sound ok?" I asked

"Yummy." she kicked her lips

"Take that as a yes."

After we ate and I brought Reuben and his bassinet into the living room I turned on the TV for Lola I watch. I stared at the TV but I wasn't paying any attention I was to focused on Perrie and wondering how she was doing. I miss her, a lot. Everything has been going nicely now but soon I'll start singing again and working with the lads, what's going to happen then? I'm just taking it day by day.

Ding Dong

"Daddy I think they're here." Lola said jumping up running to the door

I ran up behind her swooping her up making her giggle. I put her on my hip and opened the door to see four smiling lads. I moved tot he side to let them in. They all cam over to me giving me a manly hug except for Louis who said "Hi" then took Lola out of my arms and sat down on the couch cooing at the baby gurgling in his bassinet.

"It's Reuben, right?" Harry asked once we were all sitting in the living room

"Yep. And thanks for coming over guys." I smiled at each one of them.

Louis, Liam, and I were on the couch, Niall was sitting on the floor at the end of the couch, and Harry was sitting on the arm chair.

"No problem, we've missed you ZayniePoo." Louis chuckled 

All the boys nodded in agreement. "Have I missed anything?" I asked them

"Well n-" Liam started but then got caught off by my phone ringing.

I held up my hand signaling for him to wait a minute. I slid my phone out of my butt pocket and looked at the screen. An unfamiliar number popped up I shrugged and pressed answer before holding it  up to my face.

"Hello, Mr. Malik?" I heard a deep yet professional voice through the phone.

"Hi?" I gave the boys a confused look

"Ok, good,it's you." By now I was super confused I walked into the kitchen leaning against the marble counter top. 

"Yep, it is me but who's this?" I asked confused

"Oh, how rude. I'm Perrie Malik's doctor, you're wife." 

As soon a he said Perrie I wanted to jump through the phone.

"Is Perrie alright?" I jumped in barely letting him finish his sentence

"Um, well, she went unconscious again and he heart stopped for about five minutes we didn't think she'd, uh you know, come back alive but she slowly did. She's still unconscious but because of what happened we're keeping an extra eye on her and making sure she's ok." He said

"Uh, C-can- can I come see her?" I asked

"Yes but only you no one else." He said sternly

"Ok, I'll find someone to watch the kids." I said more to myself then him

"Ok, be here before visiting hours end at eight pm, we're hopping she wakes up soon or that won't be good." He said

"I'll be there soon." I sighed

I hung up the phone slidding it into my back pocket then walked back into the living room all eyes on me. I smiled weakly trying not to get asked any questions but I failed to pull it off.

"What was that all about?" Louis asked

"Well, uh, Perrie." I paused and looked down at my hands "She went unconscious again and stopped breathing for quite a bit. I want to go see her so I have to call her mum up and ask to watch the kids." I looked back at them

"We'll watch them Zayn." Niall offered

"No you guys have a life I'll call her mum she won't mind." I shrugged

"We don't mind either." Liam jumped in

"We're family, family helps family." Louis smiled

"Ya" they all agreed

"Thank you, it means a lot to me." I smiled sadly

"Ya, ya now go see Perrie." Niall shooed me.

I kissed the kids bye then took off to the hospital.

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