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   "How could you not know? Don't you get it? You just moved here! Nobody knows who you are, or why you're here, and somehow you just happen to be a warlock like me. Oh, and don't let me forget the part where some stranger is putting my family, and everyone I love, in danger. All signs lead back to you."

  I was so angry I could scream. My skin burned with frustration. Was it really his fault? What if he honestly hadn't a clue? If he did know something, how would I prove it? It's not like screaming some more would be much help. I thought he understood how important this whole situation was. How important it was to keep our secret safe, at all costs. I watched as he took several deep breaths, inhaling and exhaling to cool his temper. He locked eyes with me, straightening himself.

  "Kaylea, you know who I really am. You know me. I would never do anything to intentionally harm you or your family, I swear. I moved here to start over, to run away from the nightmares, that's it. I don't know what else to tell you. All I can say is this: it's not me. It has to be someone else. Someone who knows about the both of us. Kaylea, I swear  that I didn't tell anyone. You have to believe me!" His face was clear: I did know it wasn't him. Deep down in the depths of this frustration, I knew. His eyes were glistening, brimming with tears. All of the anger had simmered out. I listened to how his voice cracked. I believed him. Though I have only known Max a few short weeks, I knew better than to force myself to believe it was he who has been endangering me. Suddenly, I had an idea. He saw my shift in emotion and his face changed from broken to questioning. It was crazy plan and I was not sure if it would even work, but it was the last plan I had.

   "You swear it wasn't you?"

  "Kyle, you know it wasn't me. I can see it in your eyes. What's going on?" I watched him for a long moment, probably one of the longest moments in my life. He watched me too, waiting for me to say something. His eyes bore into mine.

"I need your help. I've got a plan."


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