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   I decided to walk home today, despite Nyx’s protests for my safety. Don't get me wrong, I was thankful for my friends and their concerns, but it wasn't like this town was dangerous. The worst thing to happen in my nearly-sixteen years of living was a giant fire that destroyed most of the old mill on the Outskirts. They said it had been started by electrical failure. So as you can see, nothing too bad.

   I came to the corner where I could either walk the short way home for ten minutes, cutting through the town square, or the long way for seventeen minutes, through the small area of woods (I've timed both.) I decided on the long route, taking my time so that I could enjoy the comfortable weather. I had a long sleeve shirt on today, warmer than yesterday's hoodie, so I should be alright.

   I had only been walking for a few minutes when I heard branches snap behind me. I turned around to see if someone else from school was close behind, but there was no one. I felt my eyebrows knit together in confusion and continued forward. I heard snapping again, so I decided to investigate.

   I knew I shouldn't worry, but I needed to know what was going on behind me. I slid my bag off my shoulder, dropoing it to the ground. I trekked through the woods for a few minutes, listening. Where I thought I heard the noise was nothing but shrubbery, so I looked elsewhere. I stumbled upon a clearing. The hair on my neck stood, something seeming much too familiar here, though I didn't know what.

   “Hello?” I called out. My words were carried away by the wind. I heard more snapping and whipped my head in its direction, just as something shuffled around. I walked towards it with caution. Could it be someone? Is it just an animal? I was too worried about nothing. I searched through every bit of shrub, no boulder left unturned. There was nothing. I turned around, instantly screaming.

   An abnormally large crow flew too closely towards my face. I covered my face with my arms and threw myself to the side. I uncovering my face just to scream again in fear as it dove at me, attacking my leg. I can't stay here.

   The second I saw an escape, I jumped at it, running as fast as my legs would take me towards the opening of the woods I entered through. I fell to the ground after reaching my backpack. I pulled out my pepper spray, clutching it for dear life, though I wasn’t sure what that would do against a crow. After collecting my breath, I grabbed my bag. I ran again until I was far away from the woods and back to the road towards home. I even swore I heard someone call after me, but I didn't stop to check.


   It wasn't exactly easy to explain why I bursted through our front door heaving, covered in sweat, and bleeding. It wasn't simple enough to say “I got attacked by a crow as large as a grown cat,” but then again, nothing about this week has been simple so far, so why did I think it would start now?

   The only other problem was my Grandma nor my mom were home. It was my dad and his best friend, Joey, who beared witness to my disheveled state. My dad rushed off the couch toward me.

   “Kaylea! Baby, what happened to you?” Joey was running through the dining room, returning with one of our chairs. They motioned for me to sit down.

   “I was just walking home and it was nice weather, so I took the long way here, and then I heard noises in the brush behind me and went to investigate and then there was this-” my dad cut off my terrified rambling.

   “Honey, take a deep breath. Spitting out every detail into one sentence won't help explain the situation we're in. Now, tell me what happened, and slower this time.” I took a few breaths before I spoke, since I was still pretty winded from running all the way here.

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