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   I was still completely nervous. I paced around my room, tidying little things as I went. I changed three times, trying to find the right outfit for the occasion. A dress, since I have company? Pajamas, since I actually live here? Jeans, just because? I decided on a pair of shorts and a soft t-shirt instead. I had showered prior and rewrapped my leg. It was slowly but surely getting better. I was just hoping that it continued to heal.

   I finally made my way downstairs to survey the basement. I had to move the furniture around and vacuum, which wouldn't be too bad. I checked the time. It was 5:45pm, according to my old alarm clock that I insisted on having down here. I had plenty of time. I was attempting to untangle the DVD player and television cords when my dad appeared on the staircase.

   “Hi, honey. I just thought I'd come down and check on you. I figured you could use some help.” I lifted up the bundle for him to see.

   “Really?” I sighed. He laughed, coming to sit beside me. He took the bundle of chords from my hands.

   “How was your day? No new scratches, I hope,” he laughed when I shook my head.

   “It was alright. As you can see, still the one bandage.” I gestured to my leg, extra chords tangled around my ankle.

   “Always a plus,” he said. “We can't have you bleeding on the carpets. It's hard to clean those things.” I hit his shoulder.


   “What? I'm just being honest!” I hadn't notice, but he already had two chords untangled.

   “Go move the furniture where you need it, I can handle this.” I smiled, standing to brush my legs off. He continued to speak while I pushed the couch about.

   “So your mother tells me a young man is coming over. And I'm not referring to Jake,” I turned my head to see him watching me carefully.

   “He's not anyone special,” I began.

   “I beg to differ. If he was just another boy in your class, you would've continued on with your day. But here we are setting up for a movie night with your friends, and someone new has been invited. I know you, Kyle. You're my daughter, it's my job to know. Even the smallest details matter to me.” I sat on the couch to get a different perspective on the room. I decided to move it over more before I replied.

   “His name is Max Sheppard. He's new here,” I began.

   “And what makes Max Sheppard so interesting?” My dad asked. I stopped what I was doing, pondering the question.

   “I don't know,” I answered honestly. “But something about him… It makes me feel like he's special.” I didn't know how else to phrase it. The comfortable silences we share, the warm look in his eyes, it all felt too familiar to me. Like I've seen it a hundred times.

   “I think this young man is important. Mark my words, because dad knows best.” He hugged me, kissing the top of my head. I looked behind him. He already had the television and DVD player hooked up and ready to go.

   “Thanks, dad. I hope you're right.”

   “I will be,” he laughed.

   “Is there anything else that you need?” He waited for a response.

   “I don't think so. I just have to go put snacks together.”

   “I'll help you. I even bought you a surprise. Your mother had called me at work today to remind me that you had new company coming, so I picked up a few things.” He smiled mischievously at me.

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