Prologue: A young woman's awakening

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     Linkle awoke, yawning, listening to the loud cooing of her cuccos. She got up and went to feed her beloved cuccos. As she did she heard a peculiar yelling. She went to see what it was. It turned out to be the mayor of the village calling for her. She followed the call, worried about what he needed, and how bad it was.

    "Is everything alright sir?" She asked concerned.

     "No! We're running out of provisions and it's getting worse!!!! We need you to go to Hyrule castle town to get more! Can you do that for us! For the village?"

   Linkle nodded vigorously. It was her time to prove herself as a hero!!!! And she wasn't going to mess it up!!!!

   She quickly changed into her favorite green tunic and hung her magic compass around her neck. She looked at it smiling as she equipped herself with a sword and wooden shield with dual crossbows.

   She stepped out grinning widely saying "The hero of Hyrule will succeed in this task!!!!" Running to start her quest. Little did she know what fate actually had in store for her...

    Linkle ran down the path, determined to find out her destiny.

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