Chapter 1: Faron woods, A malevolent shroud.

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     Linkle ran as fast as she could causing her good to fall off her head. She had never been out of the village before and only had her compass and a crude map to guide her journey. The quickest route would be through Faron woods, also known as the shroud of mystery. Linkle took her path and went into Faron woods, determined to get there as soon as possible. While running she ran into a mysterious imp, the result of what happens to children who get lost in the woods. His name was skull kid, or at least, that's what he preferred. Skull Kid was a michevious soul who was always causing trouble.

    "Hey there!!!! What's your name Miss!?!?" Skull kid asked

     Linkle replied "Linkle."

     Skull kid said " Hey Linkle! How about we play a game of..." As he snatched her map "steal the map!" He laughed a most strange laugh, as he made away with it.

     Linkle ran after him screaming "I need that to find my way to Hyrule Castle Town!!!!" She didn't stop after him until she had him trapped.

    Skull kid chuckled as two fairies of black and white joined him to attack Linkle with magic. With a blast if dark energy, they tried to stop Linkle in her tracks. However her years of training helped her dodge the attacks and block them with her shield. She began to duel up close with skull kid, trying her best to get him with her sword.

     Linkle grunted, jabbing him and sending him flying into a tree. Skull kid said "I've had enough!!!!" Burning the map in a black flame.

     Linkle fell to the ground repeating "no..." And then saying "I failed my village... I failed Hyrule..." As skull kid scurried off. Tears slid from Linkle's eyes falling on her compass. 

     It began to glow and a voice resonated from it saying "All is not lost, Linkle..."

     Linkle looked at the compass as it became shrouded in a brilliant light.

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