Chapter 3

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I figured out the part thing. YaY! Enjoy!

Chapter 3

Blond hair, Blue eyes. It's Jerkus!

I squeeze my glove in frustration. Out of all of the people in world, it had to be him.

He reaches the dugout, and glances at me with a confused face. Coach put his arm on his shoulder.

"Alright team, this is Marcus Stetson. He's going to be playing with us for the rest of season, so let's be respectful of him."

I snorted. Respect my ass. I cross my arms on my chest.

"Is there a problem? Watson." Coach says,

"No." I mumbled.

"Good, then show him a couple of drills." I stood up.


"Butts are made for kicking, now move it." He orders.

"Jackass." I cursed under my breath.

"Excuse me?"

"I mean follow me Marcus." We go on the field.

"Alright I will hit the ball, you catch it from first base, we will do that a few times, then we will do fly balls, got it?"
Marcus nods.

He jogs to the first base plate. I grab the bucket of balls and a bat and I go to home plate.

I toss the ball up and hit it towards him. He runs towards him and throws it, it goes by my head and hit the fence behind me.

I was shocked, he is good. I stood there for a minute, taking in what just happened.

"Are you going to sit there, and fall in love with me, or are we going to run this drill." He says with a cocky smirk.

I snapped out of it and grabbed another ball. I hit this one harder. He still caught it and threw it like it's nothing. He smiles at me.

I kept grabbing balls, and hitting them harder and harder, but it was no use, nothing was breaking him. I growl.

"Alright, let's do fly balls." He says.

"Change of plans, we are switching."
He gives me a devious grin. I threw him the bat.

I sit there in position, ready for what he's got. He grins, tosses a ball and hits it. I quickly grab it and throws as hard as I can. It was going really fast, I smirked.

He catches it. My mouth gapes open. What?! How was he able to catch that?! He shakes his head.

"Is that all you got, princess?" I clenched my fist.

"Shut up and hit another one to me."
He lightly chuckles and grabs another ball.

He tosses it up and hits it. I grab it and throw it with all of my strength. It slices through the air, but yet he catches this one.

"I'm disappointed. Are you an outfielder?" I gasped.

How dare he call me an outfielder. No offense to outfielders everywhere, but I like action, which is why I'm a infielder.

"Come on Marcus," I teased, "Hit me with your best shot."

He raises his eyebrow. "Are you sure about that, princess?"

"Come on!" I exclaimed.

"Alright, suit yourself then."

He tosses the ball up and smacks it. It whizzes by my head and hits the fence. It got silent. He smirks.

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