Chapter 1: Mark Davis

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"Kyla!" I wake up to my best friend, Ollie shaking me vigorously and shouting in my ear. I sit up and push him off my bed, and he falls to the floor with a thump; then comes a groan and I laugh, rubbing my eyes.

"Oliver you do this every morning I'm surprised you haven't got bruises," I stretch then pull the covers back stepping over Ollie and walking into my bathroom. I redo my ponytail, still with another hair band on my wrist that I never take off, just in case. "Ollie get up would you," I say stepping over him again and walking to my wardrobe. I pull out jeans and a T-shirt and get dressed not caring that Ollie's in the room because I've known him forever.

"Are you not wondering why I'm here?" Ollie asks, finally getting off the floor and sitting at the end of my bed.

"You're here everyday, its not a question that goes through my head anymore," I say grabbing my bag and walking out of my bedroom, knowing that Ollie will follow.

I walk downstairs, Ollie stepping on my foot with each step, "Ollie will you stop that please!" I shout and skip the rest of the way down and go into the kitchen. I make a bowl of cereal and start eating.

"That's your new best time you know," Ollie says nudging me in the side and I punch him on the arm and he cradles it, pouting at me.

"How long?" I say smiling.

"3 minutes 42 seconds," I throw my hands up and laugh. Ollie had been timing me to get out of bed quickly, in case there was an emergency and he'd done that for 5 years, at first I was annoyed and questioned it; I'm still kinda annoyed and I constantly question it but I don't care as much.

He doesn't sit next to me on the island, instead he puts his elbows on it and puts his face in his hands and stares at me. I try to ignore him but I don't succeed and I put my spoon down, roll my eyes and groan then turn to look at him, "what?"

"Mark Davis is moving to our school tomorrow!" I stare at him confused because I didn't know who the fudgenuggets this was. I arched an eyebrow at him and he proceeds talking explaining who this person is. "Australian singer, ring any bells?" I shake my head and return back to my cereal. "Good friends with five seconds of summer, a super hot, green eyed star!" I roll my eyes again and carry on eating my cereal.

If you haven't noticed by now Ollie is gay. So of course he would know who this person is, he came out to everyone 2 years ago , when he was 15, but I knew it before even he did. We met when we were 2 as our parents were best friends and that followed it suit for us and Ollie's brother and mine. When my mum died, him and his family were always there, I got annoyed because I just wanted to be alone but I know they helped more than I care to admit.

"Well whatever happens I support you, just don't ever mention your sex life and we'll be fine," he kisses my cheek as I finish my cereal.

My twin brother, Alex, walks into the room at that moment and grabs a banana from the fruit bowl and nods at the both of us, "morning to all, hey have you guys heard that Mark Davis is moving to our school tomorrow?" Ollie gives him the thumbs up but I'm still trying to work out how he knows and how I didn't.

"Alex how do you know?"

"Over heard you two," he grins and I sock him in the arm and he rubs it, "ow Kyla."

"Don't eavesdrop, its rude," I say with a smile.

"You were speaking loudly," he pouts and I shrug. My dad comes in the room, with a grey suit and tie and his hair combed to the side and stares at all of us, then his eyes stay on Alex and moves down to his arm.

"What did you do?" He said to Alex ,his eyes flickering between me and my brother because of course he knows that I did it but I had a reason.

"Kyla hit me because I eavesdropped on her conversation," he grins and I roll my eyes. My dad hits him round the head, "ow dad."

"Have I not taught you anything , when you listen in you're not meant to tell them," I give him a look and he laughs, he high fives Alex, ruffles my hair and nods at Ollie before leaving the room with an apple. I put my bowl in the sink and turn to Ollie and Alex,looking at them now I saw that they were exact opposites. Alex had brown hair and brown eyes, which matched mine, he was tall but not a giant, but still a lot taller than me because I was only 5'3, whereas Ollie had blonde hair and blue eyes and was basically a giant to me at 6'1.

"Right children, school time," I smile and they both get their backpacks as I get mine and we all head for the door. I get out first and wait for them then shut and lock the door behind us. "What have we got first?" I ask and Alex shrugs at me because we are both so disorganised for school and we both look at Ollie.

He laughs at us, "you Smith's are so disorganised but you will both be glad to know that we have maths," we both groan loudly and Ollie laughs again, "I don't know how you're your dads children," and it was kinda true we both didn't look like him and he worked for a bank, the only thing that was the same about the three of us were our love of food, football and sleep.

"We get most of us from mum," I say and I don't correct myself with the present tense that I use because she wasn't really gone for me and I don't think she was for Alex either. Our mum died in a car accident three years ago, when me and Alex were 14, we got a call from dad at midnight and he was at the hospital, I woke Alex and called Ollie and his mum picked us up and we all went. When we got there, my dad was crying and me and Alex ran in the room to see what had happened, our mum was in a hospital bed, a cut on her head and no heartbeat. I tried to run to her and I screamed her name but Alex held me back and hugged me as we cried together and after a while we said our goodbyes and left the room. We found our dad and hugged him, then I went to find Ollie who was crying with his mum in the waiting area I hugged him and we cried for a long time. He told me he was sorry and that she loved me and Alex and I just nodded, that night Ollie spent the night and me, him and Alex all slept in the living room together.

We get to school and as soon as we enter the building we are flooded into the gust of beings that were rushing around more than usual, I give Ollie and Alex a look and they shrug, we push through people and get to our lockers , a gap between mine and Ollie's but Alex's was on the other side of mine. I open my locker and ignore the noise coming from people behind me and then it all stops. Everything is quiet and I feel a tap on my shoulder and I turn to see Ollie nodding at the direction everyone else was looking at. There stood a guy with deep green eyes, perfect dark brown hair and he was wearing a white shirt, black jeans and a leather jacket. Everyone stared and I guess I was just like everyone else it was hard not to join in. I would never normally do this because I had no interest in any guy at this school and I never have because I know all of them and they're all the same: annoying pests that knew not to get on the wrong side of me. Ollie whispered beside me, "I thought he wasn't arriving until tomorrow," and then I got it, I knew who this person was. Mark Davis.



First chapter is up! Going to update everyday :)) enjoy!


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