Chapter 3

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Jacks P.O.V

My alarm woke me up with its obnoxious beeping noise I pulled back the cover and pulled myself out of bed and into the bathroom, I turned on the shower and slowly got under the steaming water that fell onto my face and body trying to wash away the feeling of anxiety about school, I grabbed some shampoo and rubbed it into my 'skunk hair' before rinsing it and turning off the water and wrapping a towel loosely around my waist and staring at the mirror only seeing a lanky twig person in the reflection.

I sighed and walked back into my bedroom looking for something decent to wear to school, I chose a blink-182 shirt with black skinnies I looked I'm the mirror making sure I didn't look to bad before sorting out my hair. After 15 minutes I was finally satisfied and made my way downstairs to see my mom running out of the house, she would probably be late for work since she should have left nearly ten minutes ago but oh well.

I walked into the kitchen and got my self a glass of orange juice and a chocolate poptart eating as fast as possible so I wasn't late for school like I was yesterday... And the day before that... Whoops. I grabbed my iPod and headphones before walking out of the door, putting my headphones in and playing Green Day as I made my way to hell or school as some people called it.

~10 minutes later~

Shit shit fuck shit. I ran up to the school panting and wheezing how the fuck did I manage to leave that late?! I swear I only took 15 minutes in the shower so how am I near ten minutes late? Ugh I hate my life this always happens how did I even- oh my god is that Alex...

(A/N Oh what happened to Alex? Hmmm I guess you'll have to wait and see! Anyways let me know what you think in the comments and also if I should continue or not.





See you next time! Stay wonderful ~ Siam xx)

I'll Set You Free ~ JalexWhere stories live. Discover now