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Harry Pov

" ha-zza!  Ha-zzaa!  Wa-kee upp! " I quick to lift my heads and said " Lou ! Are you okay ? Anything hurts ? Do you need to call a doctor ? Do you need wa- " " haz-za shut up . My heads killing me and I'm thirsty!  Can I get a glass of water?  " he said with a rough voice . I took a glass from the table with my left hands but put it on the table back cause I forgot my right hand still unstable so how can I pour a water to the glass with my right hand ? Idiot !  So,  when I put the glasses back to the table , I took the bottle with my left hand and pour the water into the glass  . Then , I click the button of Louis bed to make him like a sit position.  After that , I gave him the water and he took it gratefully.

When he finished his water , he said with his normal voice back " why am I here ? " I sigh and said " you were passed out 3 days ago . " " what ?? 3 days ago ? " " yea Lou . Your body is too weak to function properly.  And tell me , what is the last day that you are sleeping?  " he looks down and I took his hand " see . You don't even got a proper sleep so that's why you have a headache. Next time , you should tell me when you can't sleep alright ? I will sing a song for you or I could read a story book for you . Now ..um. .. do you want to hear a good news first or bad news?  "

" good news first.  But , where's my mom by the way?  " he asked and I gulped . " the good news was there is a doctor that can cure your paralyzed and he wanted to know if you are interested to be able to use your legs f- " " of course I'm interested! Wow . I never thought I'd be able to walk again .  And the bad news was ? Oh you didn't answer my question about where is my mom ? '' " oh that's the bad news about " I said looking down and he said " what a-are you talking about ? " he said shakily and I stand up and hugged him while carefully to not touch any wires on his body .

" your mom gone 3 days ago . Her car was broke down on the side road . She called me that night saying she will be late to come here cause its hard to find a taxi at that time . So , I waited.  And then hours later , she called again saying that I should take care of you and the line went dead . Then , someone calls me and said Johannah was died because someone stabbed her stomach while robbed her . She lost a lot of blood and they're too late to save her . I'm sorry Lou ! '' I said sadly while hugging him . He cried on my shirt and grip tightly on my shirt . I rub his back and hoping him to calm down. '' whyyy. . whhyyy everyone that Louis love always be taken awaaaayyy? ? Whhyy?  " he sobbed and without I noticed, my tears start to fall down .

" shhh, just remember that God love them more than us so that's why he takes them because this world is too cruel for them . alright ? It's okay . You still have me , Niall , and Liam . Shhh . Go back to sleep Lou . It's too much things that you've been take when you just waking up . Take a rest . Everything is going to be just fine . " I said then kissed his forehead.  He still crying but not harder than before . His eyelid start to close but his hiccups still there . Stay strong Lou . I love you . I kissed his lips without Louis  knows .

Liam pov

" harry , you can go home now . Louis is fine . We will take care of him when you go home , take a shower , eats and sleep . You're barely sleeping . Looks at the dark line under your eyes .and have you been into the check up for your wrist ? And did you do rehabs that the doctors recommended ? Come on harry . Don't just stare at the walls . I'm talking to you . Harry !! '' I said annoyingly when he doesn't answer me . We were inside of Louis room , on the floor with our backs onto the walls.  Louis was still sleeping after harry told him the bad news.

" oh . right . No , I haven't . Li , can I borrow your money to buy my medicine for my ugh you know what,  just forget it . I don't need it anymore . How's school ? " harry said , changing the topics . I took out my wallet and gave him 70$ . He hesitate at first but then after I shoved it on his hands , he just gave me a small smile and whispered 'thanks' " school was lonely without you . And oh , we have a big exam coming up next 2 weeks so I suggest you to study real hard because the teacher said the question will be hard as hell that needs our brain to think . And guess what , DTSH will be there a lot . Ughhh.  I really hate those questions! ! " I said groaning " what's DTSH ? " Harry asked curiously.  " Dexterity  Thinking Stage High . " I said sighing .

" seriously? ?? Damn. Those questions will be weird af and will be damn hard . Great. " harry snorted. " hey guys.  " Niall said while sitting down besides me and put his head on my shoulder . '' something happens to our arts assignment " Niall said with a clear worries in his tone . " what ? " harry and I said at the same time . " Greg . . . accidentally err walking into dirty coloured water in the bottle and the bottle was uncapped and . . . the paper that Louis' pictures in it . . Hurm. ... was full of dirty colours?  Hurm.  It's kinda ruined?  Not all just 5 or 9 . . I don't knowww.   ...iim sorrryyy.   " he said ramblings .

None of us says anything . Till harry broke the silence '' do you know how hard am I to draw Louis pictures beautifully ? Did  you know that I can't draw anymore?  Did you know that?  Why you sooo careless?  Who's going to draw Louis pictures àgain ? Whose gonna help you guys on this folio ? Both of you know that I  .. I - I ..not be able to use my freaking right hand anymore.  Y-yea I know I will do a rehab for that but .. little did you know howw much the payment to do all of those ?? It's okay .. you don't need to know. Not important.  I've been thinking to ... give up on this folio .. " " no , you can't give up hazza.  I will help you guys do this folio . " all of us fix our eyes on Louis . Shocked really written in our face , obviously. 

Louis Pov

I've been listening the whole time they discuss about their assignment.  Now , I knew that they've been making a story about me and Harry.  And I'm not mad at all . " a-are y-yyou se-ri-ous Lou ? " Harry said.  I nods and said " come here hazza ! " harry slowly get up from his sit and walked to my bed and I tapped the empty space beside me for him to sit . Once he sat down next to me , I slowly took his right hand which is I noticed have a bandages on it .

" this . Is my fault . So , I will help you do your payments.  " I said while playing with his fingers.  " n-no.  it's not your fault , don't - " I shook my head and said " don't worry harry . I'm 23 and I have a great amount of money in my account.  I've save it since my 18th birthday and might I said I makes a lot of money . It's all from football (soccer)  game.  I'm a captain of my teams and we always won any competition that we in . Then , I've got like a best captain rewards and yea I've got some pretty amount of money. So , you should go to the therapy for your wrist hazza.  Don't you dare not accept it . If not I won't be your boyfriend " I said pouting and harry sigh .

" how about your payments for yo-''

" don't ever worried about that hazza . Like I said I have - "

" a great amount of money ."

Harry cutting my words while chuckling . " alright . Hazza , now you go home , take a shower , eat and sleep . I don't like to see my boyfriend like a zombie.  " I said to him . " yea Louis right . You should go.  We will take care of Louis here. " Liam said. I smiled at them . Harry then sigh and got up from his seat and said " okay then. Call me if anything happens.  Ni, can you come with me ? " Niall nods and Harry kiss my cheeks and said " I love you Lou . " I smiled and said " I love you hazzy! " I said smiling.  " enough . Let's go hazzy !" Niall mocking me while pulling Harry towards the door " heyy.  Only me can call him hazzy !!" I yelled ,  Niall laughing and harry just chuckle . Once they was out of my sight , I wiped off the smile on my face .

" what's wrong Louis ? " Liam asked as he pull the chair besides me and sit on it. " nothing " I said " it was obviously nothing " Liam said. I sigh . " I just realised I don't have anyone anymore. " I said wiping away my tears ." Don't say that . You have us . We will always be with you no matter what . You're our family now . " Liam said rubbing my back .

I nods , I'm about to say something but the nurse cuts my words " did I interrupt something?  " the nurse said, her name was Jann and she was soo friendly with me . " no , you didn't " I said . " okay . I'm here to tell you that Mr. James wanted y- " " it's okay Jann , I will tell him . " doctor James came in smiling . Jann slapped the doctor arms and said " that's why I hated works under you ! You always asked me to tell something to the patient but then you -" "let's finish that after I discuss this thing alright . Now , shuushh!  " doctor James push Jann out of the doors , me and Liam just laughing silently .

" sorry about my wi- nurse . She can be crazy sometimes " the doctor said while rubbing his temple . No wonder why they looks soo close . " Louis , how are you ? " he asked while taking the file in front my bed . " I'm doing just fine " I said simply.  " that's good to hear . Harry told me that you are excited about the treatment for your legs . Are you ready for it Louis ? " he said smiling. " yes , I'm ready for it !" I said excitedly . God know what I want to do when I can walk again .

Thanks for reading , votes and waiting for this story to be updated.  As usual , sorry for missing words , sorry for grammar mistakes and sorry for the typo !

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