20 (part 1)

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Monday ( 02 / 06 / 14 )

Louis Pov

'' Hazza , wake up . You need to get ready to go to uni.  I don't want you to be late . " I shook harry body for the third time . " five more minutes please ! " he whined . " no . I already give you 15 minutes . It's 7:50 now . You gonna be late for your first class ! " I said calmly. 

'' alright I'm up , I'm up !  " he said angrily while pulling the duvets off him . He took his towel and go to the bathroom grumpily.  Alright Louis , don't take into your heart the way he treat you Louis .  I stood up from my bed and slowly walk to the windows and sit .

Harry and I already decorated this windows seat . It is because I love to sit there . I already took a shower before this , I can't sleep last night because I didn't eat my sleeping pills . After a few minutes,  Harry walk in the room and said " I'm going to take breakfast at uni , or do you need me cooking something for you ? " I shook my head and said " no , thanks for asking, hurry up before you late for your next class ! " harry rolled his eyes and said " my class start at 8:55 Lou ! And now it is 8:10 ! " he huffed and walk out the door but stopped in the hallway. 

" oh shit!  " he rushed back in and kneel down in front me . He took my hand and said " I'm so so sorry Louis . I'm sorry ! I didn-" I kiss his lips and smiled " it's okay hazza, don't worry . " I hugged him and rubbed his back . " now go ! Actually it's 8 : 30 , the clock is wrong actually.  I put it 20 minutes late . So , you have to hurry up ! " I smiled and he nods . Leaving me with a kiss and a hugged . I watch him get in his car and wave a goodbye to him and he replied with flying kiss . Then he start to drive .

My phone start to ring and I get up and took my phone . +08642976543 . Who's numbers is this ? I pick up without saying hello .

Unknown : hello ? Is there names Louis tomlinson? 

That voice . I recognise it . So , I cover my mouth with napkin and talk , hoping my voice changed a bit .

Louis : Louis tomlinson?  What his middle names ?

Unknown : William . Are you him ?

Louis : oh . That boy . He died 4 month ago . Committed suicide, I guess . Why you asking for him ? I'm his best mate btw.

Unknown  : What ?!! You are joking right ? I saw him at the hospital 2 month ago !

Louis : maybe you saw someone else . Why you want to talk to him ?

Unknown : I'm err .. to apologise what I've done to him before this .

I heard the door knocked and I walk to open the door , maybe harry left something behind . But then when I open the door " nice to meet you , ghost Louis William Tomlinson ! " with that my phone drop from my grip .

Harry Pov

When I arrived at the uni , I go straight to the cafeteria . " oi styles ! Over here ! " I heard niall  yelled my names . I nods and make a movement to tell him to wait . I bought tea and sandwiches for my breakfast.  After that I go to niall .

" where is Liam ? " I asked while sitting down on the empty chair.  " huh , we both fight . '' niall said annoyingly and took a big bite of his sandwiches. Wait a minute.  My sandwiches!  " you idiot ! That's my food ! " I slapped his arm and he pout " there's more harry ! You bought 3 of those so I take .. 1 and the half I guess ! " I sigh and let him eat .

My Hazza (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now