20 ( part 2 )

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Harry pov

" where are we going ? " Louis asked me . " I don't know ...yet... I just drive . So what do you want to eat then ? " I said as I stopped in the red light. I look at him and he looks at me back . " hurm. I don't know . I'm not really hungry! " I frown at his answer " did you eat this morning? " I asked him curiously. " ha-hazza, it's green ! " Louis tried to change the topic.

I drive and said " answer me lou ! " a bit of stern but it's not my fault for getting angry . " Lou-is didnt ta-take his break-fast th-is mor-ning . Lou-is just n-not hun-gry. ple-ase don't be mad at lou-is !" I sigh and stopped the car at the side road with a signal . I look at Louis and take his hand slowly . I know he's scared of my harsh tone just now .

" I'm sorry Louis for getting angry . It's just I'm frustrated by your action . You're not yourself anymore. I've noticed it . What's wrong with you ? " I said softly. He just shook his head and said " nothing is wrong with louis. He just tired . That's all . Harry no need to worry about Louis . Louis is perfectly fine . Ha- " " bullshit Louis ! What is the function of the pill that you took everyday in the toilet ? Is it drug huh " I cut him off angrily .

Louis get out of the car and wave the taxi that drives past the road . Perfect timing. The taxi stopped and Louis dissappear in my vision. That's when I knew I fucked it up .

Louis Pov

Harry can't know what's pill Louis takes . Harry can't know . " where's to kid ? " the driver asked and Louis told him louis address shakily. Louis too afraid if harry know that . What if harry killed himself for this ? Louis know that there is no way Louis can be survive from this illness . Louis just know . Louis read more about it . There is no patients survive from this.

" you okay kid ? " the driver asked and Louis nods. We arrived at Louis house and Louis pay the driver and thanks him . The driver wave Louis goodbye and Louis get in the house quickly and goes to bathroom . Louis wanted to puke . Louis stomach doesn't feels great . This is because Louis is afraid . Louis vomits in the toilet sit and Louis head feel soo dizzy. Louis tried to calm Louis self but it's too much to take. The darkness start to take Louis away before Louis could calm Louis self .


" lou ? Lou? " I heard someone calling my name. I open my eyes and saw harry figures looking worried. " thanks god you awake! I was about to call the ambulance just now ! " he said kind of relief. " sorry . " I said slowly . " what's wrong Louis ? " harry asked . " nothing is wrong . I'm sorry for storm out the car " I said truthfully. Harry sigh and said " that's none of your fault Louis . It's my fault. I scare you . I'm sorry okay ! " he smiled guilty clear in his face.

I smiled back at him and nods . " har- Louis ! You awake ! '' I jumped out surprised when I saw niall in our room . Niall seem to notice my discomfort and he apologise " sorry ! " I smiled back and said " it's okay . Why are you here ? It's not like I don't like it but it's weird to see you here ! " I looked both of them and niall gulped .

He stretch his neck and said " hurm . Louis , can I stay here for the night ? '' he blushed and before I could speak , harry cut me off . This kid love to cut my words out " he fights with Liam. And he has no where to live . Yes he have his family here but he don't want his family to know that he fight with Liam cause Greg is too protective of niall and who knows Liam might be death by Greg ! " he said simply .

Niall gasped and slap harry shoulder " he won't do that ! You're making stories up ! " I chuckle niall blushed again. " it's okay niall , you can stay here. " I heard niall said yess quietly . " alright . I'm going to cook something . Anyone up for burger ? " harry asked . " I'm up for it ! Yum ! " niall said happily . I just nods. " you have to eat alright ! " harry said stern but soft at the same time .

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