Chapter 29 : Avalanche of nostalgia

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 It's been a couple of days since we're here. Bill can't move without groaning, the guys are threatning us to kill someone anyway. Each time they enter, they're pointing their guns over our heads and say they're playing the " Russian Roulette ". I'm the only one who doesn't cry, I don't care at my point. Once, they brought me to another room, tied me on a chair punched me everywhere they could, but saved my face they considered like to be " Already done. " I'm almost like Bill, a corpse. Almost a corpse. Sometimes I wish I was dead. Everytime in the cell, I try to imagine that Lee's here with me, holding me closer and closer when someone enters in.

With Julien, we're taking care of the others as we can. Patricia is quite courageous, but Roxanne and Marion... they're scared to death. I can understand them. We completly forget the notion of time, there's no window, but we live. A single light in the room, nothing more. One day, a woman enters in the room we're locked in. She points Bill.

-He's gonna die first.

-Pl...please don't... Roxanne sobs, Please...

-One of you will have to die anyway.

I wake up, still bount on the radiator, slowly walking to the woman, looking into her eyes, raising my hands in the air. She points her gun to me, I stop walking. 

-Take me instead. I sigh, Don't kill a wounded guy.

-You wanna die ? she asks

-Everyone dies one day. I don't care if it's today or not. C'mon.

Patricia wakes up and grabs my arm. Her eyes are teary, it's she refuses me to go. If someone has to die, I can do it. They won't touch anybody else. They won't ever touch Lee too. I'm not a hero, I just... care more about the others than about me. 

-Don't do that. Patricia snarls

-Think about the thing that, once I'll be dead, they'll release you all. I sigh

-They won't, Y/N... 

-If they do, I want you to go and tell Lee that I became one of those shooting stars which didn't shine enough to stay alive.

" A shooting star. "

The woman gets my handcuffs off, opening the door. I follow the woman to another room where she makes me sit on a chair, bounding my arms in my back. I look at the ceilling light, as if my end was here. Right in front of me. And that my executioner is one of the guys who kidnapped us. I don't cry, I don't say anything, I just start praying. I start having hallucinations around me. Kevin standing on my left side, Lee in front of me...When the heart is rushing, when you know that you're close to meet your death, when the anxiety brings you down to a corpse.  

-Mom... dad... I whisper, I'm so... I'm so sorry...

When a man comes closer and points his gun on me, I start shaking. Suddently, I cry. I'm anxious. Now more than ever, having the sensation that something will end soon. I didn't even hit 25 that I'll already die. Just because this group of assholes wanted fame. What kind of world are we living in ?! Killing to have fame ! Why ? Why ?! 

" Mom... dad... oh sorry...

How does the death looks ? Will it hurt ? How will I live it ? My eyes are terribly painful. I notice the guy's sad look over me. He shoots on my stomach, I yell of pain, almost collapsing. I feel such a pain... just... not in the middle of the stomach, but on the side... People leave me alone in the room, another guy enters in, unbounding my hands.

-Are you okay ? he asks

-They... they didn't kill me... I mutter, groaning

-I'm gonna help you.

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