Chapter 2 : Mr.Pace

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 A week after my arrival, I had the time to discover the house. On the second floor are placed the boss' room, his own bathroom and special office. I'm still trying to call the boss Lee instead of Mr Pace. No way. While he already knows how pronounce my name correctly, I'm still on my way to learn how to call him more unformaly. He's my boss, I won't talk to him as a friend. We're both sitting in the living room. I'm sitting cross-ledged in front of him.

-C'mon, that's not that hard. he says. " LEE ".

-Mr Pace. I answer with a confused smile, I'm sorry, I can't call your by your name, it's... not really professional.

-Let's try another thing. What's my name ? Not my surname. Only my name. 


-Right ! Finaly ! For the first time you pronounce " Lee " instead of " Mr Pace ".

I smile, a bit confused. For me, calling your boss by his own name is not really normal. At least, in my country, we don't do so, or only if our boss is a close friend. I'm showing some respect to my boss, that's simple. And he's only my boss, not a friend or a crush, only a boss. For him, I'm surely a shy employee. What else ? Although Lee is trying to act super classy, I can see that he's actually pretty shy. I don't know, he is... a bending a bit, has got some mimics and reactions...

Lee's absent this afternoon, I am going to spend all the half of a day to work on translations. While I'm in the middle of my work, Brandon breaks into my room. This guy is a real sunshine in there, and quickly became my friend. I like him a lot, he's a bit like me. Lost in the shadow of someone. He's living in Los Angeles with his girlfriend, as what he told me. His girlfriend is around twelve years younger than him, and he's thirty five. I wake up to greet him, he simply tells me :

-Are you now friendly with Lee ?

-I'm trying to, but he really wants me to call him by his name. I can't do that, it's... you know... not extremely professional.

-C'mon, if he wants it, do so. He told me that he felt like an oldie next to you, because you call him " Mr. ". Try to be a bit more " open ".

He's right. I should do that, I should try to be more friendly with him. I have to wait 10:00PM for him to come back. I cooked something for him, nothing important but it's still something. A plate of indonesian food, Bill taught me to cook. Lee seems to be tired, he sits on the sofa, his arms dangling, sighing and looking at the ceilling lights. I give the plate to him, he smiles to me and nods as a sort of " thank you ". I don't want to bother him, he seems extremely exhausted, so I quickly go to my room, taking a shower and dressing up in a little spring gown. I sit back in front of the desk, trying to work, until I see that Lee's actually coming from outside. He knocks first, enters in my room and says :

-Need some help ?

-It's in French.

-I used to have French classes at school, I guess I could help you.

-Oh ! With pleasure, if you insist !

He takes a chair from outside and sits on my right side, reading some sentences in French, trying to translate them into a proper English. He's not that bad ! His accent is nice, even a bit cute. I note everything he tries to translate, he's useful. Even being tired, he wants to help me like that. Sometimes, when he makes a mistake, I correct him... and we laugh together. It's so late that my eyes even close themselves.

-You should go to sleep. Lee mumbles, Do you have something tomorrow ?

-I have to go to my university to give my file back super early, it's not long, I can do it quickly.

-Alright. I'll go then. Be back at 2:00PM.

He wakes up, waving, going out of my room to get in the main part of the villa. I fall on my bed, almost dead. I just want to sleep a bit. I wake up early, around at 5:00AM, getting ready and taking my files with me in my bag. I go to the kitchen, snatching a little chocolate bar and walking to the back doors where Brandon told me to go in order to go out without being seen. I show my card to the gatekeeper, running in the street to take the closest bus in order to get to my university. After a whole hour, I finaly arrive. It's 8:20 AM. Rushing to the amphitheater, I meet my friends with who I talk a bit. Bill is impressed by the file I'm holding, such as Roxanne :

-So ! she says, How is it to work with Mr. Pace ?

-That's cool, he's kind.

-Really ?

I nod. There's no need to give them any other informations about my boss. It's his private life. As the professor enters, I urge to give my file to him, sitting on a bench of the amphitheater with my friends. I feel like I need to sleep a bit more, but there's no time. A four hour class on american economics is going to kill me. Julien choose to finish his night while girls are drawing things. I'm lost in my mind, as always when I'm tired. As the class ends, I urge to go to the cafeteria to buy a little sandwich, running out from the campus to get the bus to go back to the Union Station, which isn't that far. I look at my watch, it's almost 2:00PM. I have thirty minuts to get back to the villa. I take the bus, but it gets stuck in the trafic. FUCK. After fifteen minuts on the road, the driver opens the back door and says :

-I'm leaving you here.

And there starts the extreme rush in the districts. I don't stop running, I just don't want to be late. I arrive at the house in five minuts, rushing around to show my card to the gatekeeper who let me in. I almost break the door as I enter in the living room, and Lee is inside, reading a book. As he sees me, he wakes up and says :

-Are you okay ?

-This bus- I'm almost suffocating, This trafic-... I tried my best... -Sorry if...- I'm late.

-That's fine, calm down, you're not late.

I breathe, quickly going to my room to put by bag down. And Carla is in the room, cleaning the desk. She turns her head to me and smiles. Actually, Carla is adorable, I really like this girl. She's not only a maid here, she's also a student in the same university I'm working in. She shakes my hand and says :

-Are you alright ?

-Yeah, thanks for cleaning it Carla...

-Oh, that's nothing ! she smiles, See you later !

Oh god, this girl is adorable. She goes out from the room, I go back to the living room, taking a big glass of water. Lee takes a fan and tries to make some wind blow on me as he sees how red I am. I turn my head to him and smile, shaking my hand while drinking, as a " thank you ". As I finish, Lee says :

-I'm invited to a premiere in three weeks. The movie's called " Henry ", from the Oculus Story Studio

-Oh, do you want me to watch the house ?

-And, as my translator, you have to go with me.

I shiver. Damn, what am I going to do there ? Why do I need to be here as a translator if it's only in English ? As he notices that I feel extremely bad toward this idea, he urges to keep talking to make me be even more anxious than before.

-You have to be here to translate everything you can hear from me in French.

-H-H-How the hell do you want me to do that ?

-That's simple, you'll stay with me until I have to go to the room, at this moment you'll follow a group of translators for each actors. Don't worry, all's going to be fine. You'll just follow the group.

Don't panic, he says. Everything is going to alright, he says. For sure, it's going to be the first time I will see a premiere. The great first time. I'm extremely anxious to learn that new, no idea about how I will have to behave. Lee isn't reassuring either. I'm sure that he's doing everything to scare me to death.

-Well, I guess I'll have to train myself.

-If you think that it's the best idea, do so. I'm here to help you anyway.

-Thank you very much.

He nods. It's not that I'm scared, but it's a thing I never lived before. Living a premiere... oh god I can't believe that.  

Those little things ( Lee Pace x Reader ) (FAN FICTION)Where stories live. Discover now