Chapter 30 : Young and feeling old

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 So here we are, entering in the univeristy's gymnasium for our graduation. We finaly made it. My parents weren't able to come, but they're both on Skype held by Brandon. We're wearing our cloaks and caps, a thing I always dreamt to do when I was in France where there's no graduation ceremony but a random secretary who asks " Name ? Surname ? Identity card ? Here. Your diploma. Now go away. Next ! ". We mostly organize a great party to celebrate a graduation by ourselves, sometimes with our professors sometimes without them. The High School Graduation Ceremony was shitty, they didn't make a ceremony. Teachers just gave us our diplomas and... " Fuck off, sandwiches are on the second floor. Leave at 9:00PM, it's Friday and I'm leaving for the week-end. ". Such an experience... 

After the graduation, next day, we have our prom. That's going to be funny, especially because Lee's coming, and that I'll sing a song tonight. I was told around a week before our graduation that I would have to sing a song of my choice, with some musicians behind. And I don't know why, I don't want to do like in movies, singing a song about happy love and romance and some other stuff. I'll sing a metal version of Chris Isaac's song, Wicked Game. I wish I wasn't a part of the music association of my university...

The D-Day, I'm wearing the cloak the univeristy gave me. And a thing which is extremely important today : Lee decided to go outside and see how my university looks ! He's going to be seen with me, but magazines know that we're together anyway. They don't know that we're engaged, but they know that we're a couple which's not extremely mediatized. I ask Brandon to take a picture of me, and then head to Lee who sees me wearing the cloak. He places his hand on his mouth and smiles.

-Oh god, if I knew you'd be so beautiful...

-Wait to see me tomorrow. I'll look a way better.

-I'm impatient !

He can be impatient, he didn't see the dress I decided to wear for the prom. Lee heads upstairs, I notice on my watch that we're a bit late. I sigh, walking to the stairs. 

-Lee ! We're gonna be late ! 

-I forgot to take the camera ! Lee shouts, rushing downstairs

-I don't wanna be late at a Graduation ceremony, you know that ?

-Sure, sure... 

We walk to the car. When we arrive at the university, I walk a bit before Lee to check if everything is fine. Lee walks like a badass behind me, slowly but has got his eyes fixing me. That's funny to see. The badass man behind his girlfriend, trying to make sure that she's safe but too shy to walk by her side. It's a bit like this. As I'm about to enter in the entry hall, I wait for Lee who smiles to me, still slow.

-Hey, that's fine, everyone's gonna see you once you'll get in.

-Nah. Yeah.

Right at this moment, Lee quickly grabs my hand. And holds it tightly, almost breaking my finger bones. I groan, turning my head to him. 

-Hey, not too tight. I sigh 

-Sorry, I'm anxious.

-Anxious ? 

-Yeah, back in a crowd with people around you like that... nah. I'm not okay with it. So I'm gonna hold your hand. 

That's adorable, but a bit... disturbing too. It's been a while since Lee didn't show his overprotective side. As we enter in the hall, people turn their heads to us. This is the perfect moment to ask Lee some autographs, and this is what people don't hesitate to do. Then, in the big hall, on the stage, a few professors and the director are starting to give a speech about the year while the different groups of students are sitting all in lines. We're the third to go on the stage with boys and girls, they're all calling us by our names. My group finaly climbs on the stage, and I see Lee's eyes getting marveled as he sees me. Brandon's holding my phone to make my parents assist to the ceremony by Skype. As the director calls my name, I shyly walk to him, noticing that Lee's starting to take a mass of pictures of me. The director gives me the diploma.

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