Chapter 4

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Alice continuously stared at the ceiling while replaying her past. She was grateful that she had a place to live for all these years but all things weren't free. She had to pay the price.

It was around midnight when the walls started to shake slightly. Alice was about to get up from the bed and warn the girls about the earthquake when the walls shake again...but this time violently. The glass of water on her nightstand fell to the ground and smashed into million pieces, spilling all its content. It finally stopped and then there was silence. Suddenly, there was a loud explosion at the corner. Black mist started forming, slithering around like snakes, and clouded the room. A tall figure emerged from the mist and slowly approached Alice. The clacking of heels became louder and louder. As the mist began to fade, it revealed none other than the person she most dreaded.

Alice felt a chill running down her spine whenever she saw her. "W-w-what a-are you d-doing here?"

"To take what's mine, of course," the witch cackled playfully with a menacing tone. "Oh, my dear Alice, how you've grown up so much! I believe you have her daughter."

"How did you-I mean...what are you talking about?" she pretended to play dumb. "I'm not keeping anyone here."

"Be careful, don't lie...," the witch replied with a mischievous grin. "You don't think I know?'s the proof if you ever need one."

The door suddenly opened and Gwen, still asleep, floated in the air. She was under a powerful spell casted by the horrible witch. Blonde loss locks hanging from her head, she unconsciously floated across the room in front of Alice.

"Such a beautiful young girl, isn't she?" the witch said, caressing Gwen's pale, rosy cheeks. "Too bad I have to take her away. Farewell, dear Alice."

In an instant, thick grey smoke filled the entire room and a moment later, the witch vanished. Alice gaped at it, still stunned. But why hadn't she taken Grace too? Snapping out of her trance, she ran frantically to Grace's bedroom but she was gone.


Grace hurriedly sprinted to Mavuey's hut. She had to hide for a couple of times as she was afraid that the villagers would see her. After a few minutes of running and hiding, she was at the outskirt of the village. She passed a giant stump of a beanstalk, the same beanstalk that Jack chopped down to protect the village from the giant. She knew she was near. Far at the distant, she could see a small tiki hut. Yellow light shone outside the house from the window and it illuminated a strong aura. She ran faster and finally arrived.

"Auntie Mavuey," she called as she knocked the door.

The door instantly flung open and Mavuey stood there. Mavuey didn't look like a typical witch. She looked like a gypsy instead. She was copper-skinned and her hair was held down with a bandana. She still looked young as ever even though she was God-knows-how-many years old.

"Gret-I'm sorry, Grace! Yes, Grace. Come in, dear," she welcomed.

Grace entered the hut and let herself amaze at the décor of the room again. She had once come here but all the abnormal and eccentric stuffs Mavuey kept astonishing her.

"So, Grace, I didn't expect for your visit this late. Sorry for the mess."

"I want you to help me with something," she said straight to the point.

Mavuey sighed. "This is about the prophecy again, isn't it? Of course it is, why would you visit me at midnight? Look, Grace, don't take prophecies literally. That's the first rule, you know that."

"But Mavuey, I've already gotten the unicorn's horn and-"

"You what?!" Mavuey shrieked. "Grace, you can't just walk around, killing unicorns just for the sake of prophecy! Prophecies have another meaning. The unicorn's horn might mean something else."

"That's why I need your help," Grace beseeched. "I need your counsel in figuring out what it means."

Mavuey took Grace's hands and put them in hers. "Grace, I know that you feel miserable and want to help your parents. But we need to do this the right way. No murder, no theft, no crimes at all."

"You don't know how I feel," Grace seethed as she snatched her hands away from Mavuey's. "I have never seen my parents for a decade and I'll do anything to get them back, even if it means murdering a magical creature."

Mavuey sighed in defeat. She had had this talk with her for couple of times but Grace became more stubborn with each talk. "I can't help you if I don't know the answer."

Grace let out a frustrated groan and stomped towards the door.

"Hey, Grace, where are you-," But before Mavuey could finish her sentence, Grace had slammed the door shut.


As muddy droplets of water hit the ground of a dirty dungeon, a couple sat across from one another. It was no place for lovers but unfortunately, they had been there for almost a decade, just for something they didn't even do.

"Robbie? What are you doing?" the woman asked. She was beautiful, even with all the mud on her face. She had bright hazel eyes and dark brown waves that went to her waist.

The man across from her didn't answer. He kept putting his head between his knees and clasped his head in distress.

"Robbie, we are going to get out of this dungeon," the woman's voice was firm and convincing but not enough for the man.

"Gretel, we've been here for almost a decade," the man shouted with big hand gestures. "We haven't seen Grace and Gwen for so long. They must have grown up to be beautiful, just like their mother." The man looked right into Gretel's eyes, softening at her sight.

Gretel's eyes filled with tears as she fought them back. She held the man's face in both her filthy dainty hands. "Robin, I'm the happiest woman in the whole world, even in this dungeon, as long as I'm with you..." A single drop of tear escaped and she put her face against his, nose touching.

The dashing man in front of her, despite the tiredness and hopelessness written in his eyes, was Robin Hood. Their marriage was known to be the happiest and it still was. He wiped her tears with the back of his hand and kissed her.

"I miss my Gallant Grace. I miss my Gracious Gwen," Gretel said.

"One wish can change everything, my love," Robin said.

"This is all my fault, Rob-,"

"Don't say that. It's not your fault. We'll get through this together, alright?" Robin held her by the shoulders.

"Yes," Gretel said softly.

Despite the hopelessness and desperation in the dungeon a few moments ago, love seemed to be able to solve anything. They were a blessed couple indeed, a blessed couple with high hopes.

Gretel sighed. "I don't know why it was only us who get the plague. It's like the world wants us apart." She let a chuckle slip. "But we still manage to be together."

"That's the spirit," Robin smiled.



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