Chapter 7

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Grace and Alice were running rapidly as they could towards Mavuey's hut. They didn't bother about villagers spotting them. They didn't even bother hiding. They'll forget about it anyways, Grace thought to herself. Most of them are drunkards. It was when they reached the outskirt when Alice began to slow down.

"Grace," she panted. "Stop, please."

"Come on, Alice," Grace urged. "Her hut is just there. It's not that fire."

"Says the daughter of Robin Hood. It's easy for you to say when you got him as your father. Running is one of your abilities."

She walked over to the giant stump of Jack's beanstalk and sat there, catching her breath.

"Fine," Grace followed. "We'll rest for two minutes. Two minutes only."

"Two minutes is all I need."

There was an awkward silence between them both as they sat and then, Alice let out an awkward laugh. "The tension is so thick I can cut it with a knife." Grace showed no response. She's still mad at me, she thought. "Running like before reminds me when I was in Wonderland. The Queen of Hearts wanted to chop off my head because I defended the Knave of Hearts. All because he stole some tarts, at least what they said. I escaped but her card soldiers were chasing me. I even still have nightmares about her. 'Off with her head,' she used to scream and I woke up sweating."

"I never knew that young-Alice could escape from soldiers," Grace teased.

"Because I'm a lady?" Alice raised an eyebrow. "Come, let's continue."

And they were both running again to Mavuey's hut.

"Mavuey," Grace called when they arrived, barging at her door.

Mavuey stood in the middle of the room with a pirate beside her. The pirate's face was a little crooked but looked so malicious. He wore a red greatcoat and a large red feathered hat rested on his mop of hair. A cutlass dangled on his belt and on his left hand was the stump of his hand connected to a hook. Mavuey was talking to him but her attention diverted to the door when they came in with a loud entrance.

"Grace? What are you doing here? Again..."

"Wait, again?" Alice asked Grace.

"Ummm...," Grace didn't know what to answer and soon, awkwardness filled the room."

The pirate cleared his throat. "Well, thank you Madame Mavuey for the anti-reptile potion. Hope it will work when I'm catching that cursed Peter Pan. Good night, ladies." He quickly paced towards the exit and left the hut, trying to get out of the awkwardness really fast.

"Who was that?" Gretel asked, raising one of her eyebrows.

"He's Captain Hook, a client."

"Why does he need an anti-reptile potion?"

"Grace, Grace," Mavuey shook her head. "Have you ever woken up inside a crocodile's stomach?"

Grace shrugged. "Can't say that I have."

"Anyways," Mavuey continued, "what are you doing here again?"

Before Grace could open her mouth, Mavuey turned her attention to Alice. "Who are you?" she asked.

"Well...," Alice trailed. "I'm Alice and the witch told me that if I have any doubts, I should just ask-,"

"Woah, woah ,woah," Mavuey stopped her. "The wicth?"

"Yes," Grace answered. "The witch that was pushed by my mother into the fire but somehow managed to survive."

Silence took over Mavuey until she let out a feeble response. "Deloris?"

"Well, I don't know her name but-,"

"Wait," Mavuey eyed Alice. "Aren't you the girl who works with Deloris to capture Gretel? Deloris told me that I might get letters sent by you but I haven't gotten a single one, even until now."

"I used to work with her," Alice said softly.

"Okay, we have bigger problems right now," Grace snapped. "She took Gwen."

Shock was written crystal clear on Mavuey's face. She knew how much her friend Deloris really wanted to have her revenge but never she realised that Deloris would involve Gretel's children. She guessed that there was more to fer friend than what she knew. "She took Gwen?!"

"Yes," Grace answered. "We're both wondering whether you know where she is."

Mavuey stroked her chin (though it looked like she was stroking her imaginary beard,) deep in thoughts. "Well, she hides in an old, unused shack near the Fae River. The shack is near the once-used-to-be Big Bad Wolf's. It's surrounded by thick vines and bushes. It'll be hard to spot."

"That's great! I know where the Big Bad Wolf's cave is!" Grace chirped. "Former Big Bad Wolf's cave, that is."

"But...," Mavuey trailed. "She came here a few days ago asking me where Zara lived. Maybe she's at the gingerbread house."

"We'll go check the shack first," said Alice.

"Alright," Mavuey said. "Good luck to you both." She smiled at them but Grace knew behind her façade. She had something uneasy bothering behind her head."

"Mavuey, what's wrong?" Grace asked, concerned for her.

"It's just...," Mavuey said hesitantly. "You have to understand that Deloris has only one friend, which is me. She trusted me wholly in helping her and she only wanted what she thinks is justice for her. By telling this information to you, it feels like I'm selling her out and stabbing her in the back."

Grace chuckled lightly. "Mavuey, Mavuey. And here I thought that you're the wise one here. I get it that you're trying to help a friend out. But Gwen is just a little girl, and she took her. Sometimes you have to sacrifice some things to do the right thing."

Grace and Alice immediately took off, leaving Mavuey staring down at the floor, debating which was right.

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