Chapter Seven, Full Moon

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Chapter Seven, Full Moon

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Chapter Seven, Full Moon

"How could you do that to him?" Draco snapped no longer able to hold his tongue. They'd been here for three days now and Draco was at the end of his tether and by the looks of it so was Lupin. The Full Moon that night.

Harry was still in a coma as the Healers wanted to slowly wean him out of it. His injuries were all healed now, though he would have scars due to the spells cast on him there was nothing that could be done about that. But his body was still dangerously malnourished and the Healers wanted to male sure they could correct it or as much as they could for the time being so there wasn't a risk of Harry's body shutting down if they brought him out of the coma too early.

"Please Mr. Malfoy not now." Remus asked as he brushed Harry's fringe away from his face. Holding tightly to his left hand, Draco his right. Feeling raised skin under his thumb Remus tore his eyes away from Harry's face to look at the hand he was holding only to find scars carved into his hand forming the words 'I must not yell lies.' Remus closed his eyes at another sign he'd failed his cub. How come he and Sirius had never known what Umbridge had done to their cub? What else didn't they know? James and Lily would be turning in their graves at how they'd failed their son. How he'd failed his cub. Draco was right whether he wanted to admit it to himself or not.

How could he have treated Harry in such away? He knew how much Harry had loved Sirius. He'd loved him more than anyone and the feeling had been returned. Sirius had worshipped his Godson and nothing and no one would have made him stay in his childhood home when Harry was in danger, not even being asked by his own mate. It didn't matter whether he realised what he'd done or not Remus still knew Moony was going to punish him tonight. The Full Moon was going to be unbearable not that he deserved any different.

"No." Draco snapped bringing the werewolf opposite him out of his self deprecating thoughts. "We Re doing this. You think you can abandon Harry when he needs you the most. After losing the only father figure he had. You think you can swan back into his life when he almost dies. And then what? Leave again when it suits you, cause let me tell you you've got another thing coming if that's what you think. Harry is my mate and I won't let anyone hurt him. Especially not someone who is supposed to love him unconditionally!" Draco hissed his fangs elongating in his anger.

"I do love him. He's my cub." Remus protested Draco scoffed and glared at the man opposite him. "Well you have a funny way of showing it. Harry needed you, but you weren't there. Now look at him. If he does I'll never forgive you. If he dies it's your fault as mush as it is Crabbe and Goyle's."
"I know I've done wrong and that I'm a fool who doesn't deserve Harry's forgiveness. But, I lost my mate, it's not an excuse and I hate myself for it. But I never hated Harry or blamed him not really." Remus sighed running his hand down his face as he tried to organise his thoughts.

"I know James, Lily and Sirius will give me hell for this. He'll even Moony is planning to give me hell for it come the Full Moon tonight. But I was sick with grief and drove myself mad with it and guilt for not protecting Sirius and Harry better. Then I stayed away because of it. When I got better I stayed away due to shame. She for not being there for Harry, shame for blaming him if only slightly for him not learning Occlumency. Shame for not stopping Harry from nearly dying after he ran after Bellatrix.

As the months passed it go harder to bridge the gap. A gap I'd made and now I might lose him, lose the only family I have left. So you don't need to yell me you blame me if dies. I will blame myself." Remus croaked wiping away the years he didn't know had fallen. There was silence in the room after that.

A thick heavy silence filled with regret, hurt and remorse. A silence that neither knew how to break or even if they wanted to. All they cared about was the sickly young man lying on the bed between them. Both hoping and praying that he could hear them and would have the strength to pull through this. "I'm so so sorry Harry, know I love you and always have." Remus whispered quietly as he kissed his cub's forehead hoping he'd hear he was loved and would come back to them.

Hours passed as the two say in a silent vigil waiting for Harry to awake or at least a Healer to come with different news. When the door was thrown open bouncing off the wall startling the two men in the room turning their attention from Harry to glare at the person who'd entered, who was none other than Severus Snape. "Ahh, I see you haven't killed each other yet then. Good." He drawled entering the room carrying a goblet full of smoking liquid which he wordlessly held out to Lupin one eyebrow raised. Grasping the potion Remus quickly downed it with a grimace of disgust crossing his face.

"Now then, you both need to leave this room. No arguments." Snape snapped when Draco opened his mouth to argue. "Lupin the Full Moon will be rising soon so you need to leave. Now. And Draco you need a proper nights rest if you rest if you don't want to lose control and attack one of the Healers meant to help Harry? No? Well come on then." Snape said with a raised eyebrow holding the door open waiting for the two to leave as they said their goodbyes to Harry promising to be back as soon as they could.

Later, as the moon rose and Remus was succumbed to it's will and Draco finally collapsed on his bed allowing his body the rest it needed after having his fill of blood. The alarms in the closed ward of St Mungoes Hospital went off as Harry's eyes snapped open. He was awake. Awake and alone.

End of chapter 7!

End of chapter 7!

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