Chapter Five, St Mungoes

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Chapter Five, St Mungoes

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Chapter Five, St Mungoes

As soon as he stopped spinning and had gathered his bearings Draco ran out of the fireplace and over to the nearest Healer that had just stepped into the waiting room no doubt to call their next patient. "Please I need help! My mate has been attacked at school and he's lost a lot of blood and his magic is the only thing that has been keeping him alive! But now he's slipped into a coma!" He said frantically, he didn't care about the Malfoy decorum at this moment all he cared about was Harry. "Where is your mate?" The Healer asked with a frown on her forehead. "Professor Snape is bringing him through the Floo. He told me to go ahead to let the Healers know and for my mate to be put in a closed ward so only those I and Professor Snape say can get in." answered Draco.

Before the Healer could say anything Professor Snape appeared with Harry in his arms who's breathing had deteriorated. The Healer's eyes widened when she saw exactly who the young Malfoy's mate was and why they needed a closed ward, but thankfully she was completely professional and beckoned the pair of them to follow her as she sent a message to all the senior Healers specialised in this area to head to the closed ward in the ICU.

The Healer, who introduced herself as Healer Summers lead them up to level seven where the ICU was situated and then down two corridors and through a passcoded door to the Closed Wards, till they reached room number four. She tapped the door with her wand before stepping back and holding the door open for them. "Put Mr Potter on the bed." Healer Summers instructed. "The Senior Healers who are more qualified to deal with this will be here shortly." She told them before exiting the room.

Not five minutes had passed when four men entered the room with a nurse who looked very much like the nurse from before but appeared to be twenty or so years older. Two out of the four men who had entered the room appeared to be in there late thirties early forties, one had dark chestnut brown hair with dark hazel eyes and was rather tall with lean muscles, where the other had curly blonde hair to around his chin with baby blue eyes and was slightly shorter than the brunette man but was by no means less muscular.

The two elder gentleman appeared to be in their late sixties or seventies by their balding grey hair; the one that appeared to be the eldest of the two had a more sterner look than the other if the frown lines were anything to go by, where as the other had smile and laugh lines around his mouth and at the corner of his eyes. But unlike the other elderly man this one had hair that sort of resembled half eaten candy floss with how curly it was, but he did have a bald patch on the top of his head about the size of a galleon.

"Good evening Professor Snape and Mr Malfoy," the more exuberant elderly Healer said with a small smile on his face that always seemed to be there no matter the situation. "I understand that it was the pair of you that found Mr Potter after he was attacked, no? Now Healers' Summers, Fairborn, Newman and Roughchild need to know all that you know of Mr Potter's condition in order to fully help him. My name is Healer Noah Jones by the way." The Healer now known as Jones introduced and he introduced the others in the room before casting some Diagnostic Charms over Harry.

Once the charm had finished Healer Jones took the paper that had appeared out of the end of his wand and showed it to the other Healers that resided in the room with a frown marring his usually cheerful demeanour. "What is it? What's wrong with Harry?" Draco asked anxiously when there was no word from any of the Healers other than them muttering quietly before all leaving the room, bar Healer Jones. "Why won't any one tell me?" Draco growled taking a step toward the Healer but was stopped by Professor Snape placing his hands on his shoulders.

"Calm yourself Draco!" Professor Snape chided. "Healer Jones," Snape said sharply. "What is wrong with Harry, apart from the obvious? I know he has suffered from severe blood loss as I was the one to heal him the best that I could, and it's obvious he is severely malnourished."
"You're correct in your assumptions Professor Snape," Healer Jones stated. "Young Mr Potter is suffering from not only sever blood loss which will soon be rectified as Healer Summers has gone to collect the designated potions, but he also is suffering from severe malnourishment caused from starvation from around June I believe.

But he is also suffering from lung failure and he has wounds that seem to be self inflicted, wrongly healed bones and to top it of he has slipped into a coma. Which is probably his body's way of dealing with everything and his magic is so dangerously depleted I'm surprised he's been able to use it at all." Healer Jones told them with a frown as the other Healers entered the room again and started administrating the potions into Harry. There was silence in the room as Draco and Snape watched as the Healers spelled the potions into Harry's stomach that would correct his breathing, his blood count, correct his bones, potions to heal his magic, potions for his malnourishment and also a potion to place him into a Medical induced coma.

It was a tense half hour as the Healers tried to get Harry from the brink of death but finally Harry was out of immediate danger and as the Healers pulled back from Harry all completely exhausted Draco froze and sniffed the air. Whatever he smelled outside the door caused him to tense up even more and for a growl to slip out unbidden from between his lips as his fangs started to elongate again, only to be met with an angry growl just outside the door.

 Whatever he smelled outside the door caused him to tense up even more and for a growl to slip out unbidden from between his lips as his fangs started to elongate again, only to be met with an angry growl just outside the door

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