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August 13, 2015

"I cannot believe you have me here!" Beyoncé yelled over the blaring music in the club. She hadn't been to a club in a very long time. Actually, it had been since the last time she went with Solange. Today, it was Kim that was forcing her out of her comfort zone once more. With the tight black body con dress on, the girls sat in the VIP lounge whilst sipping on whatever alcoholic beverage that Kim had ordered for the two of them.

"You're here because I'm tired of you at my house!" Kim yelled back. Over a month ago, Kim welcomed her daughter, Nori Anne West, into the world. Bey had been over her house practically every single day getting acquainted with the little baby. It worked out perfectly since Kim enjoyed spoiling three year old, Natalia.

"Psh, you love me," Bey remarked before standing to her feet. She sat her glass down and held her hands out for Kim to dance with her. It had been Kim's first outing since having the baby, and she was trying to do everything. Kim's plan was to actually get Bey out of the country with her, but Bey wasn't having it. Kim swore that a vacation was her "push gift" from her husband, Kanye.

The sounds of the latest club banger erupted through the speakers and the women began dancing with one another. The single life had been very interesting for Beyoncé. There wasn't a place that she could go without getting hit on. Early on in the year, it pissed her off. She was still bitter about Shawn, but she brought herself back to reality quickly. Now? She embraced every single compliment thrown her way.

"Excuse me, Ms.," a man spoke into Kim's ear. Bey stepped back and tried to hold in her laughter. Kim's wedding ring glistened even in the darkness. It was a known fact that many people didn't even care about the wedding ring. Bey had been the victim of not caring.

Bey stood back and watched the man before she saw Kimberly walk away. The puzzled look on her face amused the handsome man standing before her.

"You ran her away quick," Bey commented as she tried to bypass him. He stopped her.

"Actually," he said while holding contact with Beyoncé. "She's going to get her another drink, dance with someone, and she goes to come back."


He smiled, showing his beautiful white smile. "That gives me about ten minutes to find out as much about you as I can."

"And what if I decline?"

"Then like a gentleman, I will walk away. Are you going to decline?" He asked smoothly.

Bey eyed him for a moment. "What's your name?"

"Charles. Charles Davis."

"Well, Charles, it was nice meeting you, but I think you're kind of too young for me," Bey spoke honestly. She wasn't trying to deal with anyone that was too young for her. All the men she dealt with had actually been older than her.

Charles laughed a beautiful laugh. "Ms., how old are you, exactly?"

Bey smirked. "A woman never tells her age."

Charles nodded his head. "I'm twenty nine years old. Is that too young for you?"

Shit. Beyoncé immediately shook her head. "I'" Why was she nervous? She had never seen a more beautiful man in her life. Of course, she has said the same thing about her ex husband, Idris, and ex boyfriend, Shawn. The man standing in front of her was currently the most beautiful.

"So, Ms.?"


He tilted his head. "Say it one more time."

Bey laughed softly. "Beyoncé," she said much slower. "But people call me Bey."

"Like the ones that sting?"


"So, do you sting?"

Beyoncé thought about the question for a moment. Depending on which ex you asked, they would tell you that she did. "I can," she told him truthfully.

"So you hurt?" He questioned.

Bey shrugged a bit. "I'm human. I make mistakes. I can be selfish sometimes. So yes, I hurt. Do you?"

Charles looked at Beyoncé. She was a very intriguing person based off of her comments. He hadn't expected her realness, but he liked it. "I can."

"What do you do for a living?" She asked him.

He looked around before laughing. "This. All of this."

"This? This is your club?"

Charles nodded his head. "This has been my dream for a long time." Beyoncé looked around to finally look at the building. It was a beautiful place. Of course Kim wasn't going to take her to a whole in the wall. She took her to an upscale club.

"It's beautiful."

"Thank you. What do you do?"

"I run an organization for children."

"Really? So you like children?"

"I love children. Do you?"

"Yeah, I have a son."

She couldn't and wouldn't jump to conclusions. Many people would ask for his relationship status, but Beyoncé couldn't automatically assume the worst of him. "How old? I have a daughter."

"He turned two this year. What about your daughter?"

"Awee, a baby. She's three."

Just like parents, their conversation immediately went to their children. Kim watched from afar at their body language. She noted every single time he made her laugh, and every time she made him laugh. Not once did he try to make a sexual advance on her. He didn't even kiss her. She was thoroughly satisfied.

Bey looked over to see Kim coming back to them. "You ready to go?" Bey mouthed to her, receiving a nod in return.

"You leaving?" Charles asked her.

"Yeah, we have children to get back to," Bey said with a small laugh. She pulled out her cellphone and handed it to him. They had already agreed to exchange numbers. He handed her his iPhone, as well.

"Is this your son?" Bey nosily asked.

Without having to even look up, he knew that she was referring to the picture of him on the home screen. "Yeah."

"He's so adorable."

"He gets his looks from me," Charles cockily replied before handing her back her phone. Bey recovered from her laugh and handed him his phone.

"It was nice meeting you, Charles."

"Same to you, Beyoncé. Have a safe night."

"You, too," she concluded before leaving with Kim. Thankfully, Kim was the one driving. They were crashing at her house for the night.

"So?" Kim asked with a giddy smile. She wanted all the details.

"Did you set that up?" Beyoncé asked her immediately.

"No, but if you liked him, I wish I would've!"

Bey blushed a bit. "I think I do like him. He's twenty nine, owner of the club, has a two year old son, and loves children."

"He sounds like your equal," Kim responded from the bit of information. "What else?"

"He lights up when he talks about his son."

"Is there a baby mother in the picture? Like a crazy one?"

"No, he said that they are on mutual terms. They co-parent and are friends."

"Are you going to see him again?"

Bey's smile said it all. They had planned to go out for lunch the next day. Getting back in a relationship wasn't a priority for her, but she wouldn't deny having a good time. She had finally learned to balance being a mother, working, and her social life, so she was fine with her. Her daughter wasn't neglected, and that's all that mattered.

"Yes," she responded.

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