Chapter 2

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Chapter Two

February 14, 2017

Beyonce pulled down the bottom of the Kenneth Cole red and black New York "Joyce" dress. For the longest, she had been playing with the idea of wearing it. It was her goal dress, and she was proud to say that she had met her goal. The previous holiday season meant that she had picked up a few pounds, but she, thankfully, had gotten rid of them. Looking at her dress in the mirror, she smiled to herself. Tonight was the night of Kimberly's Valentine's Day party, and she couldn't be more happier. Kim's parties were always fun, no matter the theme. It still amazed Bey how the girl could plan weddings and her own events in the same breath.

"You look beautiful," Charles complimented as he entered the bedroom. She looked at his tuxedo and smiled. He was wearing a black Armani tuxedo with a red and black tie to match her dress.

"And you look handsome," Bey responded as she walked over to fix his tie. Charles could only shake his head at her little habit. He didn't know where she picked it up, but she would never let it go. If his tie looked even slightly wrong, she was over to fix it. Usually, he only laughed at her, because it was funny to him.

"Thank you. You ready to go?" He asked while looking at the watch on his left wrist. Bey shook her head. She still had to apply her lipstick and shoes before she could go anywhere else. She scurried into the bathroom to apply the nude lipstick to her lips. She didnt really like the extravagant makeup. She put on the Gucci Lisbeth black high heel pump, and they were finally ready to go. Charles was the one driving them to Kim's house.

"So what kind of party is this?" Charles asked her as he drove.

Bey shrugged her shoulders. "I don't even know. You know she likes surprises."

"You're not nervous?"

Bey shook her head. "Kim wouldn't put anyone in a position they didn't want to be in."

"What if it's one of those little fun parties?"

Bey laughed out. "You really thinks she's going to pass out dildos to the boys, Charles?"

"Shit, I don't know. You know I think that girl crazy." Bey laughed. Kim was the typical best friend when it came to Charles. She threatened him every chance she got. It was funny to Bey, because she knew that Kim was only being a friend. Luckily, Charles didn't take any of it to heart. His best friend practically did the same thing to Bey.

"Is Jay feeling better?" She asked.

"He's getting better."

"Is he going to the doctor's?"

Charles looked over to her briefly. "Letoya's taking him tomorrow."

They arrived to Kim's house in no time. She resided in the same house. Kim said that the house was her dream home, and she refused to give it up. The cars were parked out front, so Charles simply parked and got out the car. Bey grabbed a hold of his hand as they walked to the front door. The door flew open before they could even get to it.

Bey's eyes connected with Shawn's briefly, before he tore them away. She hadn't seen him in a long time, and nothing had changed. It was like time had stalled, but it was her movement that stopped. She literally stopped to look at her ex boyfriend. She tried reading him, and he did the same thing, but much more subtle.

"Hey, Shawn," she greeted softly. She didn't hear the words, but she knew they came out due to the way he reacted to her voice. It was as if he was shocked to actually hear her speak. It was a voice that he didn't have the pleasure of hearing in a long time.

"Bey. Hey," he responded quickly before looking away once more. "Uh, I'll see you inside." He moved away without giving her a chance to respond. Bey didn't bother turning back, because she was more anxious to see what Kim had planned for the couples.

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