In the rain

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What if in the season 4 finale the darkness didn't leave Rumple, it was just destroyed and Emma had to tell Killian something very important.

Emma's POV
Standing in the back of Granny's, the spot where I returned Killian's heart, I couldn't help but feel guilty. I hadn't told him, right after he had been killed and I hadn't told him. How could I? After losing Graham, Neal and even Walsh I couldn't trust my instincts.

What if Killian let me down like everyone else? I know it sounds selfish to think like that but everyone I knew had let me down more than once. Why would he be any different?

He had told me he had loved me on more than one occasion but I had been too scared to tell him back. What if when I said it it would change everything, that this was all just fake? What if he hadn't really changed, that he was still a pirate on the inside? Waiting on the moment to kill me for leaving him on the beanstalk!

"You alright there Swan?"I hear behind me. I snap out of my daze crossing my arms and turn from the jukebox to face Killain, laughter floods in from the opened door making me feel slightly sick.

He would never kill me.

My stomach drops as my heart speeds up, somehow he still has this affect on me. I offer him a small smile and return my gaze to the ground, I couldn't meet his eyes.

"Fine."I mumble repeating over and over "don't look up, don't look up, don't look up...." He steps forward and burrows his eyebrows at me,"I know when something is bothering you Emma."he whispers staring daggers into my head.

Emma, he never called me that.

I slowly raise my head up meeting his eyes. My knees feel weak seeing the intensity in them, they weren't his usual bright, cheery blue but more of a dull greyish one. He was upset about my decision, I knew him well enough.

I bite my lip as it starts to quiver, Emma Swan doesn't cry. "I just....I need some space."I finally get out making my way to the back door. It killed me in all honesty to see the expression in his eyes when I walked away.

He scrambles after me as I step out into the cold. Thunder sounds overhead as lightning paints the sky, it was about to storm.

"Emma please don't do this, talk to me!"he yells trying to catch me before
I made it to my bug. I shake my head and quicken my steps, trying to beat him to the car. I didn't need to talk about this.

I feel his hand fall to my wrist flipping me around. His eyes shown with pain as he stepped closer to me, trying to get a read on my mood. "Emma what's wrong? Every since we've returned you haven't been the same."he says keeping his hook on my wrist while his hand held my arm.

I feel tears start to sting my eyes as I blink them quickly away. "Its nothing..."my voice cracks,"I'm fine."I rip my wrist out of his grasp. I turn around and make it to my car but he grabs my wrist yet again.

"Emma-"he starts but I quickly turn around cutting him off. "I'm pathetic."I yell making an echo. His face completely drops any emotion, his eyebrows burrowing with confusion.

"Killian, I'm pathetic."I repeat gesturing with my hands. "When I lost you in the book my whole life fell apart! I couldn't think o-or breath, I had just lost the person I loved." His eyebrows go up as thunder rattles the sky again, another bolt striking out.

The first drops of rain hits us as the news sinks in. My face feels flushed as I continue my stare down with Killian. Tears had already started flowing but you couldn't tell with the new heavy downpour. But neither of us care. I had just admitted that I love Killian.

That's a big deal for me, I even still feel uncomfortable around my same aged parents. My parents! Their suppose to be the ones that you can go to for anything, they know all the answers to your problems, they always know what to say but mine didn't. They never heard me talk or see me walk, they didn't mend my first broken heart.

I didn't have a happy child hood.

So to admit that I loved someone so openly and after everything we had been through was a big deal. I knew I had loved him when he told me that I was his happy ending...he was mine too.

"Killian I-,"I take a deep breathing  glancing down at the ground as the rain continued to pour. "Please don't be mad it's know how broken my life has been."I ramble on keeping my gaze locked on the soaking ground.

I finally look back at him to see his eyes being filled with concern as he takes a step closer to me. His hair is dotted with rain drops making his eyes seem brighter, his clothes are soaked and cling to his tone body, but he didn't care. All his focus was on me.

"A-and to find somebody that loves me first and wouldn't stop fighting for us I..."I trail on forgetting what I was going to say. He slightly smiles making his face squint together, reminding me of when I admitted that Storybrooke was my home back in the past.

I shake my head refocusing and look down at the ground gathering my wits together. I rub my hands back and forth trying to make heat rush through my body. I'm soaked to the bone as rain trickles down my neck and onto my cheeks feeling like tiny snowflakes.

I finally look back up at him to see he had been staring intensely at me the whole time. I feel a blush creep up on my neck thawing my insides completely. 

"I was afraid that- that by telling you that it would make it real. That somehow actually saying it would make me return to a reality where the savior doesn't get a happy ending, that you'd be scared and leave me like everyone else." I say breathlessly as tears mix with the raindrops.

Lightning shoots across the sky like a flash light making a loud pop of thunder rattle the ground. Killian keeps his gaze locked on me as I search for words.

He sighs and steps forward grabbing my hand gently with his,"Emma, I've been waiting a long.....long time to hear those words. I would never be afraid to hear them from you. I love you and nothing will ever change between us because of it."he smiles at me lovingly.

My lips engulf into a smile as I throw myself onto him, gripping him like he was a life tube. "I love you."I whisper keeping my eyes squeezed shut. He chuckles and kisses my temple while stroking my hair.

I pull back as rain continues to stain our faces and clothes but I didn't care. He smirks at me and raises an eyebrow,"Now are you going to-"he starts but I cut him off.

Yanking his lips onto mine he smiles as his arms wrap around the small of my back bringing me closer. I tangle my fingers into his wet hair as my tears mix with the rain. Our wet lips moved together in synch not missing a beat.

How beautiful this moment was.

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