Chapter 1

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It seemed as though black hair and silver-eyed Selene Corkweather would be a maiden for the rest of her life. Richard Corkweather, her father, just simply refused to marry her off to any of the eligible men in Port Royal, and the talk of the town was that she would be soon sent to London to find a suitable husband there. As it was though, Selene was dancing gracefully with a young aristocrat by the name of John Cooper.

John Cooper was a tall, handsome man with light brown hair, coal-black eyes, and a highly successful shipping company. Everyone watching them thought they were perfect, including her father.

It appeared as though the young pair had matched their wardrobe tonight. Selene wore a gorgeous, peach-colored silk dress with hanging lace sleeves while John wore a gray suit with peach-colored designs.

 Selene wore a gorgeous, peach-colored silk dress with hanging lace sleeves while John wore a gray suit with peach-colored designs

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Most assumed that Richard Corkweather would marry his only daughter off that night, but, oh, how wrong they were. Yes, the two became betrothed that night, but never did they marry. That night was the last Richard would see his daughter in life; the next time the two would see each other would be in death.

That night as Selene was undressing, a whistle pierced the air. "Hello luv, I was on m' way when I became distract'd by your appearance. I must say, m'lady, that you do a fine job of distracting a man who is set on his mission."

The Corkweather heir turned to look at the pirate leaning against her window.

"Well hello there, how do you do?" She calmly asked the pirate.

"Very well now, you have certainly made my night."

Selene smiled and in the blink of an eye had a knife at the man's throat, "That's good because if you don't give me a good reason to not kill you; I will slit your throat, throw you out the window, and make it seem as though you committed suicide. On the bright side, you will have died with your night made."

The dark-skinned man paled slightly and gulped. "I'm looking for an infamous pirate and was tipped off by a credible source that I would find 'er here."

"And yet you stand here and continue to bother me with your presence," the young woman replied as she removed her knife from the tan man's throat. "What is the name of the pirate whom you are looking for?"

"Selene Silver, though I've been told she goes by a different name in the social world."

The young woman leaned against her desk in her bedroom as she studied the man in front of her, and how she could tell he was a man with strong shoulders and a lean body that was earned from hard years on the sea.

"I know of who you look for, and I will bring you to her if only you tell me why you seek her out."

The pirate stared at her for a minute before answering, "I need her and her ship to find the ship that was stolen from me."

Silver-eyed Selene watched him for a moment before a mocking smile pulled up at her lips, "What do I get out of it? I'm not putting myself on the line just to get your ship back because you couldn't control your crew enough to prevent mutiny."

The man stared at her with the most confused look on his face until he made the connection. He quickly dug around in his pockets until he located a box and opened it so Selene could see the gorgeous blue diamond necklace nestled inside.

"My, my," she breathed as she examined the stone, "we have a deal."

The pirate smiled at her as she straightened up and turned towards her large closet to change.

As she reappeared, the pirate stopped pacing around her room and he let out a slow whistle. Selene had reappeared in dark men's trousers with a loose white shirt, a red vest that doubled as a corset, a brown coat, and belts hanging off her shoulder and hips to allow her plenty of places to put her weapons. 

"I don't think we have been officially introduced, I am Selene Silver, who are you?"

"I'm Captain Jack Sparrow, m'lady. It's a pleasure to meet you."

Selene drew her knife again and held it up to the captain's face, "I would hardly call you a captain if you have no ship, and I am no lady. I am as much a pirate as you, if not more. Do not doubt me, Sparrow."

Jack nodded slowly as he put a finger gently on the knife waving around his face, "Understood, now can you please stop threatening me with your knife? It looks very sharp and you worry me waving it around."

Selene rolled her eyes and sheathed her knife, walked to a hidden corner and removed a plain sword.

"Let's go, we gotta hurry before my father comes up to tell me the horrible news."

"What horrible news?" Jack asked as the two traveled down the servant's steps to the docks.

"Ugh, I don't want to talk about it," Selene grumbled as she trod down the steep stairs.

As soon as the two reached the ground floor, they broke into a sprint towards the docks, keeping to the shadows as to not be seen. Soon Selene's gorgeous ship, The Silver Ghost, was in view and as the crew saw their captain with an unknown person running towards them, they knew it was time to make a quick escape. The crew hurried through the departure process and soon The Silver Ghost was out in the sea, sailing aimlessly until she received her bearings.

"Alright crew," Selene started as she addressed her members about their next adventure, "Sparrow here has enlisted our help to recover his lost ship. He's a guest and will be gone as soon as The Black Pearl is retrieved and I get payment. After that, we sail our merry asses to wherever the hell we want because I doubt I will be accepted home with open arms."

The crew nodded in agreement and with a wave of her hand they dispersed to do their assigned task.

"Come on Sparrow, I need a heading."

She was going to regret this.

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