Chosen- Chapter 6

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Rydel's Pov:

(A few days later)

After my 'talk' with Ross, I haven't been sure on where I stand with Alex. I know I like him, but is it gonna mess up something?

I have a date with Alex today and I'm super excited. We've had like three dates and I'm pretty sure that he's the one. I also am pretty sure that he is gonna ask me to be his girlfriend, but who knows.

I get dressed in something simple. I put on a pink ruffled top, black jeans and black boots.

I walk downstairs and Ross looks at me and shakes his head.

"Where are you going all dressed up" asked Riker.

"On a date." I said.

"With?" he questions.

"This guy named-" I was cut of my a knock on the front door.

I walk to the door and open it. "Hey" I say to Alex. "Come in."

Alex walks in and is greeted my everyone, except Ross. He just gives him a death glare. Everyone seemed to like him, especially Rocky. I quickly ran up to my room to get my leather jacket, but I stopped when I heard voices coming from Ross' and Ryland's room.

"I don't like him." says Riker.

"Me neither, she's really into him." says Ross.

"I can tell, but it's just something about him that is just, just kinda strange." Riker says in a protective tone.

"I can feel it in my gut." Ross says.

I backed away from the door, I had heard enough.

"We're leaving!" I yelled.

Alex and I walked out of the house and started walking to his car.

"So where are we going?" I asked very excited.

"You'll see."


"Ready? Asked Alex with his hands over my eyes.


He removed his hands from my eyes and revealed was a beach with a table, two chairs, a violinist, and a waiter. Could this get any better?

Alex grabbed my hand and walked us over to the table and sat down.

"Alex Lancaster, your order is ready." said the waiter.

"You already ordered?" I asked him.

"Yea, I know what kind of stuff you like." He said smiling.

Awww! How sweet is he? ;) 

The waiter walked away to go get our food and came back with a tray balancing on his right hand. 

"There you go." He said, setting the tray down and reavealng what was under the top. 

"Thanks" Alex said.

"Let's eat." I said with a giggle. 

We ate, talked and laughed for an hour or so and by then we were ready for dessert. The same waiter came back with two chocolate cakes with carmel drizzled over the top. I looked over at Alex's cake and his seemed different from mine. My cake had writing on it. It read,  " Pick up the rose." I obeyed the "cake'  and picked up the rose.  The rose had writing on it as well. 

Each petal had a different word spelled on it. I looked over at Alex and he was smiling like crazy. The first petal read,"Rydel". The second read, " Will." The third, "You, Fourth, "Be" Fifth,"My" And the last read "Girlfriend." I literally was blushing so much that my face was as red as a fire truck. 

"Yes Alex, I will be your girlfriend.' I said 

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